Ashido Vs. Todoroki

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Shinso got up and looked at the ground in defeat.

"I was so close, but the hero course really is amazing," he thought.

The audience clapped for the two students for their fight.

Izuku looked at Shinso and bowed, but Shinso stood where he was.

"Did you meant what you said during our battle Shinso?" Izuku asked while he was bowing.

"No, because I actually felt bad for using that kid. He withdrew from the tournament for his pride, so I respect him. What I said about your girl was just me trying to get you to speak. She must be very lucky to have someone like you in her life," Shinso said.

"She is," Izuku said as he looked at Mina.

"To tell you the truth, I think that you having a quirk like that is a blessing. You must get praised by how amazing your quirk is. For me, people thought it was cool or unique, but they also thought I would use it to get into trouble without lifting a finger," Shinso said.

Izuku looked Shinso in the face. He felt sorry for him.

"Why did you want to become a hero?" Izuku asked.

"It was because I admired them. I always thought being a hero would be the best thing ever, but with a quirk like mine, I can only dream of being a hero," Shinso said as he looked at the sky and smiled a little.

He went back to frowning as he looked at Izuku. Midoriya was about to say something, but Shinso walked away.

"Nothing I can say will help him," Izuku thought.

Shinso was about to walk out until one of his classmates yelled to him.

"You did amazing out there Shinso!" they said.

"Yeah! You showed everyone that us general studies students can also be strong!" another said.

"Look what the heroes are saying," a student said.

"That quirk would be useful against villains," a hero said.

"What was U.A. thinking for not putting this kid in the hero course?" a hero questioned.

"I wished I had that quirk," a hero said.

"They all think that I was amazing," Shinso thought as he heard all the praise he always wanted to hear.

A tear almost came out of his eye, but he wiped it before it would show.

"Depending on the results, they could transfer me to the hero course," Shinso said to Midoriya. "I might have failed, but that doesn't mean that I will give up."

"Right," Izuku said.

He froze in place.

"The battle is over. Why is he using his quirk?" Izuku thought.

"I could just mess with your other battles. Just promise me that you will not lose in a pathetic way," Shinso said.

"I won't," Izuku said.

Izuku was in the nurse's office getting his fingers fixed.

"How are you feeling dear?" Recovery Girl asked.

"It feels better, thank you," Izuku said as he looked at his fingers.

Mina came bursting through the door.

"Midori!" Mina yelled as she was in the verge of tears. "Thank God you are okay!"

She ran up to him and hugged him.

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