The Cavalry Battle Part One

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"Interesting, so the girl with the pink skin cares about that brat," Shigaraki said as he watched the Sports Festival on his computer.

He smiled behind the hand on his face.

"I will add it to the important information list," Shigaraki said.

"Hey Woods, look who it is," Death Arms said.

"No way. It is that kid from last year. Wait, when did they have a kiss cam?" Kamui Woods said.

"Don't know, but I like it," Mt Lady said.

"Way to go Midoriya. I knew I chose the right kid to inherit One for All," All Might said to himself.

Bakugo and Todoroki made it to the finish line to see their classmates.

"I am...not going to that worthless nerd," Bakugo said as he was panting.

One by one, the students made it to the finish line.

"I will announce that only the top 42 people will move on to the next challenge!" Midnight yelled.

"Even though not everyone passed this challenge, lets give a round of applause to the students that participated in this event and gave it their all," Present Mic said.

Everyone in the audience clapped.

"Eraser Head, you got to clap," Present Mic said.

Aizawa showed Present Mic his hands.

"Are you that self centered?" Aizawa said

"I have you know that I care about everyone else!" Present Mic yelled.

"Yeah, everyone of your viewers," Aizawa said in the mic.

"Will you two stop arguing and make the screen choose our next challenge!!" Midnight yelled.

Present Mic didn't hesitate and pressed the button.

"Sorry for the delay everyone," Midnight said. "Our next challenge is..."

The screen chose the next challenge.

"...The Cavalry Battle!" Midnight yelled.

"I hate the cavalry battle," Denki said.

"In this challenge, each participant will chose two to four people. After the teams are formed, each team will have to form a horse-and-rider formation. The rider will have a headband on their head. On the headband, there will points on the headband to show the total of the points assigned by each member," Midnight said.

"So that means the people in the groups will have a different amount of points," Tsuyu said.

"How will we know who has what amount of points," Uraraka asked while raising her hand.

"Whoever was in 42nd place will earn five points, the 41st gets ten points. That is how you will know, but here is one thing. The person who is in first place will have 10,000,000 points!" Midnight said.

"Oh no," Mina said.

"Since there are two students in first place, they will have to share those points," Midnight said.

"That is still bad," Mina said.

"You think that is bad. The actual bad part about this is that the two students in first place will have to be on the same team!" Midnight yelled.

This caused all the students to look at the couple.

"Look on the bright side, you two will be together," Midnight said as she was in joy.

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