Hosu Attack

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"Get your hero costume on kid. We are going to Shibuya," Torino said as he called a taxi.

"That is a classy neighborhood Gran Torino. Are you sure that we should be wearing our outfits?" Izuku asked nervously as he got in the taxi.

"You are with me kid. I am a hero," Torino said to him. "We are taking the bullet train."

"That would mean that we will pass Hosu," Izuku said.

"I hope Ida is okay," he thought.

A portal opened on the top of a water tower.

Stain and Shigaraki came out of it and viewed Hosu from above.

"This city is more active at night," Shigaraki said.

Stain continued to look at the city with a tense stare.

"I will make this place see that the heroes they think highly of and show them what they truly are," Stain said to himself. "I will hunt down these fake heroes to correct our society."

Stain jumped off the water tower and ran into the alleyways in the cold night, disappearing from Shigaraki's sight.

"Kurogiri, send out the Nomu," he commanded.

"Are you sure?" Kurogiri questioned.

"Yes, Stain is ruining my plans in getting rid of heroes, but every city he has been to has been placing more heroes," Shigaraki spat back.

Kurogiri didn't argue and did what Shigaraki told him to do.

Three Nomu came out of the portal and started to destroy buildings around them.

"Let's see who comes out on top Hero Killer," he said confidently.

A bullet train sped on the tracks heading towards Hosu.

"Kids and technology these days," Torino said to Izuku, who is on his phone texting.

"Sorry Gran Torino," Izuku said apologetically. "I was texting Ida and Mina that I am passing through Hosu."

The trains stops and a hero bust through the train.

The passengers cried out horrified seeing a four-eyed monster with it's brain exposed from it's head.

Gran Torino lounged at the Nomu and sent the beast flying out of the train with him.

Izuku cried out to Torino, but soon stopped as he saw that Hosu was under attack. A few buildings were already in flames, while people were crying for help in the distance.

"An attack at this time?!" Manual yelled out.

"Double time to the scene Ida" he yelled as he ran.

Ida didn't pay any attention to his trainer and looked into a dark alleyway. He used his quirk and ran into the alleyway.

Stain took his katana out of a hero's shoulder as held his face with his other hand.

"That brat is causing too much trouble for me to do what I came here to do," Stain said.

"I can't move," the hero muffled through Stain's hand. "I will get you for this."

"If you were a true hero, then choose your last words wisely," Stain said as he swung his sword.

Ida came running from behind Stain.

Stain swung his katana at Ida.

Ida's body fell to the ground and his helmet clattered away from him.

Stain saw Ida's eyes, knowing those were the eyes of a person seeking revenge.

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