The Obstacle Course Race

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"YEEEAAAAHHHHH!!!" the crowd roars in excitement when they saw class 1-A enter the arena with all the other students.

"Whoa, there are a lot of people here," Izuku said as he got nervous.

"Are you okay Midori?" Mina said.

"I am a little nervous, but I am okay," Izuku said.

"It warms my heart to see that my classmates are supporting each other," Ida said.

"It is nice," Momo said. "Too bad that everyone doesn't care about feelings."

Momo pointed at Bakugo.

"What does that supposed to mean?!" Bakugo yelled.

"Now I will let the referee take the stage. Put your hands together for the R-rated hero, Midnight!" Present Mic yelled.

The crowd grew wild when Midnight entered.

"Before we start the first event, the class representative will give an athlete's oath. Will you please stand next to the mic Katsuki Bakugo!" Midnight said.

Bakugo walked onto the stage with his hands in his pockets. He tapped the mic to make sure it works.

"All I am going to say is that I am going to win," Bakugo said.

Everyone booed at him.

He walked of the stage without a care in the world.

"He was not smiling when he said that, so it would mean that he was serious," Izuku thought to himself as Bakugo pushed him to the side.

"On the screen behind me, it will choose what the challenges are going to be for this year at random," Midnight said.

The screen was selecting what the challenge is going to be.

"The first challenge is the obstacle course race," Midnight said.

"This should be interesting," Izuku said.

"It is. Good thing we both trained for this," Mina said.

"I know one person that this obstacle is great for their quirk," Izuku said.

"Good luck on this course Ida!" Mina yelled.

"Thank you Ashido. I also wish you the best of luck for you and Midoriya!" Ida yelled to Mina.

"This obstacle course is a every student for themselves challenge. All you have to do is make it past the obstacles in a 4 kilometer run around this arena. Also, their is one rule, and that is to not get off the course. Anything is fair in this challenge!" Midnight yelled.

A section of the wall was removed to show where the students have to start at.

"On your mark," Midnight said.

"I have to do this," Izuku thought.

"Get set," Midnight said.

"I need to show everyone that I am here," Izuku thought.

"GO!" Midnight yelled.

Everyone began to run, but they were all crowded at the door.

"Why is a door the first obstacle?!" Izuku thought.

Some students managed to slip through the door, but they were stopped by Shoto as he used his quirk to freeze the ground and everyone's' legs.

"I am not letting you get rid of us that easily!!" Bakugo yelled.

"Not cool Todoroki!" Kirishima said as he jumped over the ice with Izuku and Mineta.

Mina used her acid to clear a path for some of the students.

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