The Letter

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The guy in the glasses was thinking that the zero pointer was an obstacle, but there was some purpose of the zero pointer, even though defeating it will give you zero points. He then figured out the purpose and that the school hid this information from everyone taking the exam.

Mina was by Izuku's side, even though the exam was over. She couldn't help but think why he just risked his life for two people he just met. She was grateful that he didn't leave her behind.

She was focused on him that she didn't realized that a small old lady, dressed as a nurse, tapped her shoulder.

Mina turned around to see she was in the lady's way.

"I am so sorry. I was just sa-," was all she said before the lady put a finger on Mina's mouth to quiet her.

"There is no need to cry for this young man that risked his life," the lady said to Mina. She then gave Mina a few gummy bears. "You worked hard today young miss. You should go home and rest. Also, don't worry about the boy. I will heal him."

Then, a blonde hair guy that was twinkling and said, "That mademoiselle is the school nurse. She is the reason why the school goes to this extreme on the exams."

The nurse soon gave Izuku a kiss on the head.

Mina was just confused on what just happened.

"My quirk can heal people by giving them a kiss," the nurse said.

"Who are you miss? I want to thank you for healing my friend," Mina said being grateful and bowed to the woman.

"My name is Recovery Girl, and you are very welcome," Recovery Girl said to Mina. "Okay, is there anyone else that needs a smooch from me?!"

Mina giggled a little when some people backed away from Recovery Girl.

Izuku woke up to see Mina coming over to help him up. "Are you okay Midoriya?" Mina said as she lifted up Midoriya.

"I am fine, b-," was all he could say as Mina hugged him. Izuku was now red as a tomato. He was trying to hug her back until she whispered, "Thank you." What Izuku didn't realize was that Mina was able to grab his phone from his pocket. "Hey, what is your password to your phone?"

Izuku said his password, but he then realized Mina has his phone. "What are you doing?!"

She let go of him and gave him back his phone. She waved good bye with a huge smile on her face.

She walked away to return to her home.

Izuku was alone in his thoughts. "Holy crap, a girl just gave me her number!"

He saw the contact name for Mina.

It was: Ashido :3

Soon, a someone tapped him on the shoulder and he put his phone away to see who it was.

He turned around to see a girl that was a little shorter than him. She had short brown hair, rosy cheeks, brown eyes, and a round face.

Izuku saw that she had some kind of pads on her fingers.

"Thank you for saving me and the pink girl. I don't know what would have happened if you all didn't save me from the giant robot," she said to Izuku. "It was pretty cool what you did to the robot."

"No problem. I had to do something, or else you all would have been serious injured," Izuku said.

She bowed to him and walked away leaving the boy to himself again.

"Well, time to go to the train station to go back home to my Mom," Izuku said to himself.

Back at home, Izuku was with his Mom and eating fish for dinner. Izuku was looking at his fish, until his Mom, Inko, got worried and told him why he was looking at his fish. That made Izuku snap back to reality and said sorry. He ate his food and helped cleaned the kitchen. When he finished cleaning the kitchen, he worked out on the couch waiting for the letter to be delivered to his house.

While Izuku was in his own world again, the doorbell rang and Inko went to open the door.

"I got a letter for a Midoriya from UA," a mailman said.

Inko thanked the mailman and closed the door when he left.

Inko yelled Izuku's name multiple times until he looked at her. "The letter is here."

Izuku was now in his room looking at the letter. Outside of his room, Inko was walking nervously back and fourth.

After a couple of seconds, Izuku ripped the letter. There was a letter inside, but he didn't see it because a small device fell out.

The device turned itself on to show a projection of All Might.

"All Might?!" Izuku said in shock.

"This a projection of me!" All Might said with a smile on his face as always. "I am in town because I am teaching at U.A." When All Might said that, a hand from the corner waved to him. "You are telling get to the point? I have to do how many of these things? Okay, I got it." All Might shooed the person away to get back to what he was saying. "You were able to pass the written exam, but you scored zero points in the practical exam, which results in a failure."

Izuku looked down. He knew it was true. He failed the exam and was not going to U.A.

"But...," All Might said. "The story is not yet over my boy." All Might holds a remote in his hand and points to the screen behind him. "Now, pay attention to the screen." He then turns on the screen.

A video shows the girl he saved. She talked to Present Mic about transferring some of her points to Izuku, but Present Mic said sorry and they were not able to do that.

"You saved that girl young man, but she was not the only person who tried to help you," All Might said.

Then the next video showed Mina.

"Hey, I like to make a request. Can you give some of my points to my friend named Midoriya? I promised him that I would help him score points for him, but I didn't get to do that for me." Mina said while being sad.

Then All Might turned off the screen.

"You became a hero in their eyes young man. Even though you didn't score any points for defeating faux villains, we also give out hero points. Points that are earned when people do heroic actions," All Might said.

Izuku wasn't believing in what All Might was saying.

"For your heroic actions you showed everyone today by punching the faux villain," All Might said while punching the air. "Young man, you were given 60 hero points!"

Izuku was now crying tears of joy and relief.

"Welcome to your hero academy young man," All Might said as soon as the projection ended.

Inko was still nervous and walking back and fourth, until Izuku opened the door to his room. He came out smiling to his Mom. "I did it Mom. I got into U.A."

Those words were enough to make Inko cry and hug her baby boy.

"Oh, hey Mom," Izuku said.

"Yes Izuku," Inko said.

"I need to text a friend real quick," Midoriya said.

"Oh, my baby boy made a friend!" Inko was crying and hugging Izuku again, but she was squeezing him. She soon let go for him to text his friend.

Izuku texted Mina, "Hey Ashido, I got some great news. I am going to U.A."

Mina texted, "No way, I am going to! I got 20 hero points for saving you and the girl. How many points were you able to get?"

Izuku texted, "I got 60 hero points."

Mina texted, "Wow, you scored more points than me! It is amazing that you are able to go to U.A. with me! Can't wait to see you there. I got to rest for the big day. Good night Midoriya."

"Good night Ashido," Izuku texted.

Izuku was able to go to the school he always wanted to go to become a hero. What he was also excited about was that he was going to see his friend again. He couldn't wait for the big day either.

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