4. Through The Dark

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I turned around and leaned against the counter, my legs shaking. I couldn't believe what had just happened. Not only had I thrown a drink all over Harry Styles, but I had ended up having a full blown conversation with him and he had poured me a drink! Never in a million years could I have imagined anything like this. I breathed in and out deeply, trying to calm myself.

I had always been worried that if I ever met Harry in person, I would be disappointed; that he somehow wouldn't live up to the amazing person I had built him up to be in my head. But all tonight had proved was that he was even more gorgeous and even lovelier in real life than I ever could have imagined. And that spark when our fingers touched... I definitely hadn't imagined that, because I'd seen him jump too. It was official - I would now die a happy woman. I couldn't honestly imagine any other moment in my life living up to tonight.

I needed some air. I walked past Zayn and his friends (who had calmed down a bit now) to the back door, and stepped outside into a small garden. The night air was cool against my flushed skin, and I took another deep breath and walked slowly across the dark lawn to a little wooden trellis that was covered in delicate lilac flowers. I wondered where James and Callie had gone, then decided maybe I didn't want to know. I wasn't sure how big this house was but I knew exactly what a minx Callie could be, and was sure by now James would know too. I heard the back door open and the music grew slightly louder from the party inside, and then quietened again as the door was shut. I stood behind the trellis, quietly collecting my thoughts and contemplating texting Callie to see how long she was going to be.

The garden was dark except for the light spilling from the kitchen windows and patio door. There were tall trees either side of the garden, hiding it from view of the neighbouring houses. They swayed slowly and gracefully, and rustled in the gentle breeze. It was very peaceful. I was so absorbed in my own world, I didn't hear him until his face appeared suddenly around the corner of the trellis and said "Hi."

I practically jumped out of my skin, and unfortunately my drink decided for the second time tonight to leap from its glass and onto the shirt and chest of Harry Styles. "Woah!" he said, jumping backwards.

"Oh my God!" I squealed. "I'm so sorry!"

He looked down at me, grinning and shaking his head in disbelief. "You know, if you wanted me to take my shirt off, you should have just said."

I stared at him, wide-eyed and open-mouthed, and laughed. "I'm glad you can see the funny side," I said. "I'm so embarrassed!"

"Why, because I've sussed you trying to get my shirt off?" he teased.

"I am not trying to get your shirt off!" I protested, still laughing. "Although I'm sure you're inundated with that request."

He smiled, looking down at the wet patch on his shirt. "Yeah, I may have been asked that before," he conceded.

"Well not this time," I said firmly, taking a sip of my drink.

"Shame," he said. I looked into his eyes and my breath caught in my throat. For a moment we stared at each other, not moving. Was Harry Styles flirting with me? He had that lazy smile on his lips, but his eyes burned into mine through the darkness. My heart was beginning to pound again. "I'm Harry, by the way," he said, holding his hand out. Was he for real? Surely every woman on earth knew who he was?

"Yes, I know. It's nice to meet you. I'm Jess," I responded, shaking his hand. My skin tingled deliciously where his fingers touched mine, but my voice sounded surprisingly calm considering my insides were performing somersaults.

"You not a fan then?" he asked.

"Of One Direction?" I hesitated. I couldn't believe how cool I was being, considering how much of a fan I was, and I didn't want to scare him away by admitting I really liked him. On the other hand, I'm a terrible liar. "Actually, yes, I am a fan," I admitted. "But not the sort that hangs around outside your hotel room trying to steal your underwear."

I immediately turned a horrible shade of crimson. Harry grinned. I was very glad it was dark.

"First my shirt, now my underwear," he chuckled.

"Actually, if you'd been listening, I said I didn't want either of those things," I protested, loftily.

"Well, you can't claim to be a fan then if you wouldn't steal my shirt or my underwear."

I was starting to feel giddy at this flirty exchange, and was struggling to keep the grin from my face. I took a large sip from my glass while I composed my response. "I don't have to be a kleptomaniac to appreciate your music do I?"

"Hmmm." Harry's eyes narrowed and he took a step towards me, into my personal space. "Favourite song, then?"

Ah, he was testing me. Good job for me I loved all their songs and knew my stuff. "Little White Lies," I replied, without missing a beat. He blinked. "Really?" he asked. "Why?"

"It's sexy as hell," I replied, and then inwardly cringed. As if I'd used the word sexy in front of Harry Styles. Christ. This drink had gone to my head. I was starting to relax, and my confidence was growing. I looked up at him; suddenly he was even closer than he had been a few moments ago. I could smell his aftershave, and it made me feel lightheaded. "And I like the beat, and the bass," I added, my eyes locked on his.

"That's cool," he said. He was standing less than a foot away from me now, and was almost leaning over me, his head bent towards me.

"Actually, I think it's hot," I whispered.

"That's not what's hot," he breathed, his face inches from mine.

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