58. C'mon C'mon

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A small moan escaped my lips, and I felt Harry tighten his arm around my waist. I had to fight back tears - the emotion I'd been holding back since he'd appeared at my bedroom door was beginning to surface and I really didn't want to cry in front of him, even though they were tears of happiness and relief.

He suddenly pulled away and gave a deep sigh, before loosening my arms around his neck. I looked at him questioningly.

"We need to cool it down," he said. "I promised your brother."

"Oh come on!" I said in disbelief. "I'm putting my heart and soul into this kiss and you're thinking about my brother?!"

He laughed. "Not like that. But your parents are in the next room and I don't want them to walk in and think I'm taking advantage of you."

I let my arms fall to my sides, a feeling of frustration creeping over me. "I don't know how you can just flick a switch and turn it off like that."

He let his head drop to the side and gave me an exasperated look. "Are you kidding me?" He grabbed my hand and pressed it to his crotch and I felt something long and hard in his jeans. "That's what you do to me," he breathed as I squeezed the bulge gently and he closed his eyes.

He swatted my hand away and grabbed me round the waist again and thrust his hips hard against mine, smirking. "But until we've got some privacy I'm on best behaviour. Sorry."

I groaned and closed my eyes, and let my forehead fall forward onto his chest. "Can we go to a hotel then?"

He chuckled. "And how's that going to look to your dad and your brother?"

"Like I can't keep my hands off you," I mumbled into his shirt.

"Exactly," he said, kissing the top of my head. "We've been apart for weeks. Another 24 hours won't make any difference."

"Ugh. I don't like sensible Harry," I complained. "He's no fun. I want playful Harry back."

The door to the conservatory opened before Harry could respond and my mum stuck her head in. "Do you want a cup of tea, you two?"

"That would be lovely, thank you," Harry answered.

"Come and join us in the lounge?" my mum suggested, beaming.

"Yeah, in a sec," I replied, and she disappeared back into the kitchen.

"Your family are very welcoming," Harry said.

"Wait til Maddie wants a selfie," I remarked. "You might change your mind."

"I don't think I will," he smiled, and I couldn't help but smile back. "Come on. I need to make a good impression."

"I think you already did that," I said, dragging my feet as Harry opened the conservatory door and we walked into the kitchen where my mum was pouring hot water from the kettle into the teapot.

"Go on through," she beamed at us. "I'll bring the cups through in a minute. Your dad's in there reading the paper."

We walked through into the lounge where my dad was sitting in his usual armchair reading the Daily Mail, the tv on quietly in the background.

"Scandalous," he said as I sat down on the two seater sofa and pulled Harry down next to me.

"What is?" I asked.

"Government spending," he huffed. "All this money wasted on better prison facilities, but do you know the traffic lights on the A14 have been on the blink since Tuesday?"

I threw Harry an apologetic look and he smiled back.

"Have they?" I said to my dad.

"Yes," he nodded seriously. "They're letting about three cars through at a time before they change. It's causing chaos at rush hour. Cars queueing all the way back to the Bull and Dog pub. I called the council about it on Thursday morning but they've not done a thing about it."

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