60. Illusion

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My alarm vibrated at 5.45 the following morning and I switched it off instantly. Harry stirred beside me and opened one eye.

"I have to go back to my own bed," I whispered.

"Mmmm," he mumbled, and pulled me close against him. I lay there for a minute until I felt my eyelids getting heavy again, and then quickly sat up.

Harry sat up too and rubbed one eye sleepily with the heel of his hand. He looked absolutely adorable. He smiled at me and I kissed him before sliding out of the bed and standing up to pull my vest and shorts back on. He pushed the covers back and I unashamedly stared at him as he pulled his boxers on and stood up next to me.

He grinned at me. "Enjoy your eyeful?" he teased in a whisper.

"Definitely," I nodded. We crept to the door and just as I reached for the handle Harry grabbed my hand.

"You're amazing," he whispered, shyly.

My heart skipped a beat and my stomach flipped. "You're more amazing," I whispered back.

"Yeah, I am, aren't I," he teased and I grinned and pretended to be affronted.

I silently opened the door and peeped into the hallway. The coast was clear and I could hear my dad snoring in my parents' room. I turned and smiled at Harry and he put his arm around me and kissed me on the lips.

We broke apart and out of the corner of my eye I saw Calvin's bedroom door open. Calvin appeared in the doorway and his eyes met mine. He froze. I felt Harry stiffen and my heart dropped.

Calvin's eyes widened at the same time a pretty brunette appeared in the doorway behind him and stepped out of his room wearing last night's clothes. For a second no one spoke. The brunette looked at me, then her eyes flicked to Harry. Her mouth dropped open.

"Oh my G...," she began.

"Shhh!" Calvin, Harry and I hissed.

She continued to stare open-mouthed at Harry. Calvin's face wore a murderous expression, but I knew he couldn't make a scene for fear of waking my parents and exposing his one night stand.

I felt a smug grin forming on my lips as I gave Harry a quick kiss and stepped into the hall. "It's not what it looks like," I lied to Calvin in a whisper. "I just woke up to go to the loo and I peeked in on Harry. No funny business."

"Oh my God it really is Harry Styles," the girl said.

"Hi," Harry said uncomfortably, giving a small, awkward wave.

"I'll see you in a bit, Squidge," I whispered and hopped over the creaky floorboard to my bedroom door before anyone could reply.

Harry disappeared into his room and Calvin ushered his conquest along the hall, stepping heavily on the creaky floorboard in the process. As it groaned I dived into my room and shut the door silently behind me. I quickly threw the blonde doll and the towels under the bed and shuffled under the covers, my heart pounding. I had no idea if Calvin had swallowed the lie but at least he hadn't been able to make a scene.

I heard him coming back up the stairs and listened as he went straight to his room and shut the door. I breathed a sigh of relief and closed my eyes, and sleep quickly engulfed me.

When I woke again it was gone 8.30 and I could hear the sounds of my parents pottering around downstairs. I laid there for a bit, thinking about the past 24 hours and how much had happened. I thought back to what Harry had started to say earlier that had been cut off by the squidgy bum comment. Had he... had he been about to say the word? My heart pounded at the thought of it, and nervous butterflies fluttered in my stomach.

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