47. Better Than Words

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Dedicated to halfxheart because I know she loves this chapter ;)


The sky began to cloud over about 5pm and the temperature dropped so we all headed indoors. I went up to Harry's bedroom with the intention of changing out of my bikini into some clothes, but after trying to untangle my hair with the brush I decided the only way to make myself look presentable would be to get in the shower. I switched the water on and spent about 10 minutes standing under the jets, replaying the day's events in my head. I still couldn't quite believe I was in the same house as 3 members of One Direction. I had loved every second of the afternoon.

I got out of the shower and dried off, and pulled on leggings and a vest top just as Harry stepped into the bedroom, still in his swimming shorts, and shut the door behind him. I smiled at him as he crossed the room towards me.

"Hi," I said, happily, tilting my head up and kissing him.

"Hi yourself," he replied, returning my kiss. "I've missed this."

"Mmmm me too," I said, running my hands up his bare chest to cup the back of his neck.

"Liam and Louis want to order some pizzas, is that OK with you?"

"Pizza is always OK with me," I smiled, and he pressed his lips against mine again.

I dried my hair while Harry had a shower, and was brushing it through when he emerged from the steamy bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair up. He pulled on a pair of black Calvin Klein boxers and I momentarily forgot what I was doing and stopped to stare at him, my mouth slightly open.

"Are you checking me out?" he teased.

"I am always checking you out," I retorted. "I mean, just look at you." I snapped my mouth shut as Harry chuckled. Just for once, could I not say exactly what I was thinking? At least I'd managed not to make any inappropriate comments in front of Liam and Louis. Yet. There was still plenty of time.

"I love... th-the way you do that," Harry stumbled, his grin sliding off his face.

"Do what?" I asked, too embarrassed at my own runaway mouth to look him properly in the eye. "Make a complete dick out of myself?" When he didn't answer I sneaked a longer glance at him. "What's the matter?" I asked.

He cleared his throat. "Nothing," he said, turning away and seemingly looking for some clothes. I walked over to him and slipped my arms around his waist from behind.

"Sorry," I muttered, hugging his back. "Please ignore my stupid comments. It wasn't a Harry Styles moment. It was just a genuine 'he's so sexy' moment. A moment of appreciation." Why couldn't I stop speaking?

He turned in my arms to face me and wrapped his arms around me, and I leaned my head on his chest, feeling stupid and shy all of a sudden. "Your heart's pounding," I murmured. He didn't say anything, but rested his chin on the top of my head. His heart continued to thunder in his chest, and reminded me of a drove of galloping horses.

We stayed like that for a minute, standing together with our arms around each other. I tried not to think about the fact that in just over thirty-six hours I would be heading to the airport to fly home; away from Harry and back to reality. Harry softly kissed the top of my head and I lifted my face up to his, and his lips landed on mine. His hands softly stroked my bare arms, causing goosebumps to break out all over my skin. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck, pressing myself up against him and he moaned softly into my mouth. He gently guided me over to the bed and laid me down, leaning over me, his lips never leaving mine and our kisses becoming more passionate. A memory from earlier in the afternoon flashed through my mind as he gently bit down on my bottom lip and I pressed my nails into his back. He moaned again, and I pushed him off me and rolled over so he was lying on his back and I was on top of him, my hair falling in his face. I tucked it behind my ear and he looked at me questioningly, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. I kissed him on the lips again, then softly kissed my way down his neck and across his collarbone. I trailed kisses down his chest, smiling at the goosebumps that erupted along the way.

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