25. Everything About You

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The host came straight over to us. "I have a reservation for 8.30," Harry said.

"This way sir, miss," the host nodded at me. Harry indicated for me to go first, and I followed the host into the dining area, Harry close behind me. We were taken to a small table tucked away in the corner and the host pulled my chair out for me. "May I take your jacket?" he asked.

I slipped it off my shoulders and handed it to him and sat down. Harry sat down opposite me, and my stomach fluttered. "Can we get a bottle of Dom Perignon please," Harry asked, then he looked over at me. "Is that ok with you?"

"Yes fine, thanks," I said. The host nodded and handed us some menus before disappearing off. Wow. More champagne. I had never been on a date like this before.

"So I hope your laptop doesn't mind me taking you out tonight," he said, clasping his hands on the table and looking into my eyes. Oh Christ, I lost all sense of sanity when our eyes met.

I laughed nervously. "I'm sure it doesn't," I said.

"Well, more fool your laptop," he smiled. "What were you supposed to be doing?"

"I just had some data to input into the system," I said. "I approved a load of applications today but they need all the details to be entered before I can issue the policies."

"What type of insurance do you cover?" he asked.

"Commercial," I replied. "It's for companies. So I look at their financial information, like their accounts, director history etc, before deciding if they're an acceptable trade risk."

"Wow," he said. "Sounds complicated. Do you enjoy it?"

"It's not really," I said. "But yeah, I absolutely love it. I find it really interesting looking into company accounts and seeing how they fare. And my office is great, I have some good friends there."

"That's great," he said. "I can't imagine being stuck in a job you hate, day in, day out."

"Me neither," I said. "I know my job would probably bore most people silly but I'm a bit of a nerd so it's right up my street."

He chuckled. "You're not a nerd. And there's nothing wrong with nerds anyway."

The host appeared with an ice bucket and a bottle of Dom Perignon. He opened it with a gentle pop and poured a glass each for me and Harry, then disappeared again. Harry held up his glass and clinked it with mine. "Cheers," he said.

"Cheers," I replied.

We both took a sip. It was ice cold and delicious. Harry reached into his pocket and took his phone out. "So," he said. "About this picture you sent me..." he looked up into my eyes and I gave him a confused look. "You said you were sitting at your friend's desk."

Uh oh. "Um... yes?" I said tentatively, unsuccessfully trying to hide the embarrassed grin that was slowly creeping across my face.

He held up his phone, that now had my selfie on the screen. "Why does it say 'Jessica Bradshaw - Underwriter' on that sign next to you?" He bit his lip, grinning.

"Um, my friend has the same name as me?" I suggested, wrinkling my nose in shame.

"That must get really confusing in your office," he said. "Someone works in your office with the exact same name as you, does the same job, and is also a One Direction fan?"

My face probably looked like a tomato right now. "We manage," I said. "Anyway, she likes you. I told you, I'm more of a Louis girl." I looked him square in the eyes. Take that, Harry Styles.

He laughed. "Yeah so you said, but then you admitted you weren't, and you're out with me tonight, and you haven't mentioned Louis once." His eyes were twinkling with mischief.

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