42. I Want

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When I opened my eyes daylight was streaming through a gap in the curtains. I had no idea what time it was, and as I went to roll over I felt someone spooning behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw Harry stirring. I turned over so I was facing him and he opened his eyes sleepily and smiled at me. It was possibly the most beautiful sight I have ever seen in my life.

"You're beautiful," he said.

Oh my God. My stomach flipped and I grinned stupidly. "Thanks," I said shyly.

"Did you sleep ok?" he asked.

"I don't even remember falling asleep," I confessed.

"You were asleep about five seconds after we..." he trailed off and gave a small smile.

"I remember that bit," I smiled shyly and he grinned at me. He stretched his arm out and pulled me towards him.

"I haven't brushed my teeth," I began, but he planted a kiss on my lips and then murmured, "Me neither," against my mouth and carried on with the kiss.

I wrapped my leg over his, and remembered I had nothing on, and guessed he probably didn't either. He pulled my body against his and as we kissed I felt something hard pressing against my leg.

"Oh, hello," I teased, surprised.

"Morning," he said cheekily, and pushed his hips against mine.

"Someone's awake," I remarked as he ran his hand up my leg.

"Well I've missed you," he murmured into my neck, slowly pushing me back and moving over me. My stomach did a few more somersaults at what he'd just said. Desire ignited in me again as he ran his tongue over my bottom lip. He gently moved my legs apart and I felt him slip into me again. He kissed me on the lips but I pushed him away.

"Condom," I said.

"Oh shit," he muttered. He grabbed one quickly and lowered himself back onto me, pressed his lips against mine, and began moving. I wrapped my legs over his as he picked up the pace and grinded against me, and it didn't take either of us long to peak. After he rolled off me I sighed.

"I keep losing this game," I said.

"What game?" he asked, still breathing heavily.

"Trying to resist banging you."

He laughed. "I'd forgotten we were playing."

"I'm always playing," I muttered, and he laughed louder.

"Now you're making me blush," he said.

"Harry Styles doesn't blush," I teased, looking at him, and then I noticed his cheeks had gone a bit flushed. "Oh my God you do blush!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah yeah, don't tell," he said.

"I'd never tell," I said, half seriously.

"I know you wouldn't," he said, looking into my eyes and making my skin tingle. He reached over and played with a strand of my hair, and my heart pounded.

"What are we doing today?" I asked. "What time is it?"

Harry leaned over and looked at his phone. "It's nearly 10am. If we go anywhere we'll need security as it's the weekend so we're more likely to get papped. We could stay here and hang out by the pool if you like?"

"You have a pool?" I said incredulously before I could stop myself. I wanted to facepalm. Of course he would have a pool. He lives in LA in a massive house and he's rich.

But he didn't seem to mind my stupidity; he just grinned. "Yep. You wanna take a dip?"

"Sounds great," I said. I was still feeling tired despite my long sleep, so the thought of a day relaxing and doing nothing really appealed to me.

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