8. Kiss You

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"Sure, why not," I heard myself say.

"Great!" He looked genuinely pleased. "I'll call my driver and get him to come and get us." He pulled his phone out and made a quick call. "He'll be about 15 minutes," he said. "Come on, let's grab a quick drink in the kitchen."

"I'll be on the floor!" I protested as he guided me back into the kitchen. He raised an eyebrow and gave me a flirtatious smirk. The kitchen was empty, and Harry headed over to the bottles of alcohol lined up on the counter.

"Shot?" he said, holding up a bottle of Jagermeister.

"Gross!" I grimaced, "that stuff tastes like cough medicine!"

"Well what then?"

I browsed the selection. "Cherry brandy?" I suggested.

"That's a girl's drink!" he protested.

"I don't really like shots," I confessed, and he smiled.

"Go on then," he conceded, with a slight inclination of his head.

"That took a lot of persuasion," I said under my breath, but so he could hear.

"Ha!" he laughed. "You're a cheeky one aren't you!"

"Sometimes," I winked.

He found two glasses in a cupboard next to the window and poured a large shot of cherry brandy into each. He handed me one, clinked my glass with his, then we both tipped our heads back and downed our drinks. I watched his face twist at the taste of it, and knew his expression mirrored my own. We both laughed. "Another?" he offered.

"Are you trying to get me drunk, Mr Styles?" I said in mock astonishment.

"That is a completely unfounded accusation which I resent deeply," Harry said, pretending to be affronted.

"Yeah right," I snorted. "You may have an angelic face but that's as far as it goes." I was feeling brave again as there was no one else around and it was just me and Harry. The alcohol in my system was also helping my confidence. I looked him deep in the eyes again and waited to see how he would react.

He took a step closer to me and returned my gaze. "I have an angelic face, huh?"

"Apparently," I said casually. "Most of the female population seem to think so."

"And what about you?" he asked.

"What about me?" I asked, playing for time. I was rather enjoying this.

"Do you think I have an angelic face?" he asked slowly. His face was moving closer to mine.

"I think you're hot," I said, breaking eye contact to stare at his lips. He gave me a lazy smile and I looked up into his eyes again. He reached out and placed his hand on my back, and I took a small step towards him so our hips were almost touching. I rested my hand on the top of his jeans and tilted my head up.

The door to the kitchen opened and we sprang apart. I quickly turned away to hide my flushed face as a guy and a girl walked in. They said hi to us, and the girl gave Harry a flirtatious smile. He smiled back at her, then took a step closer to me again. I turned away and poured myself a glass of water from the tap. "Want one?" I asked Harry.

"Nah I'm good thanks," he replied. He was looking at me with slight confusion, and I felt guilty. He must have been wondering why I was blowing hot and cold all the time. But I really didn't want anyone to see us and start asking questions, or spread rumours about us on the internet, or generally make life awkward for him.

The guy and girl helped themselves to a couple of beers, and as they left the girl asked Harry for a picture, which he graciously obliged. I played on my phone while he did this, not wanting to appear too interested.

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