30. Nobody Compares

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If I'd had a penny for every time my heart had pounded over this last week I'd be filthy rich by now. I stared down at the notification on my screen and decided to wait until I was safely at my desk before I read it, to avoid injuring myself or others. I paid for my lunch and literally ran back to the office, dodging pedestrians and pushchairs, fully aware of how ridiculous I must have looked. I raced through reception and sped to my desk, flopping down on my chair and pulling my phone out of my bag with trembling hands. I took a deep breath and opened up the message.

From: Harry Styles: Hey Jess. Don't suppose you're free for a coffee after work? x

I had to hand it to him. Full marks for being breezy. But I didn't understand. They were leaving for the airport at teatime. What was going on?

To: Harry Styles: Don't you have a flight to catch this evening? x

From: Harry Styles: I'm getting picked up at 6. I could meet you outside your office at 5? x

To: Harry Styles: Ok, sure x

From: Harry Styles: Great. See you then x

Christ. I hadn't been expecting this at all. Why did he want to see me? I honestly couldn't think up an explanation for this. I needed Callie, but I hadn't had chance to fill her in on last night's date yet, as I was supposed to be seeing her tonight.

I ripped open my sandwich and started to eat, staring into space. I was startled when Gary perched on the corner of my desk. "What are you daydreaming about?" he asked. "Or rather, who? I hope he's hot."

"Does Laura know you're gay?" I teased him. Laura was his long suffering girlfriend who we all agreed, including Gary, must have the patience of a saint.

Gary laughed. "I am the definition of masculinity," he said cockily.

"Yeah right," I teased.

"Anyway she's been stressy all week," he moaned.

"I'd be stressed too, putting up with you," I told him. "The poor girl deserves a medal."

"Well, no need to take it out on me," he muttered. I looked at him curiously. It wasn't like Gary to be serious, or miserable.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, just hit a rocky patch," he said glumly. "I'm sure it'll work itself out."

"Aww," I said, sympathetically. "I'm sure it will too. You're a cute couple. Even if one of you hangs out in the closet most of the time," I added, trying to lighten the mood.

"Hey, don't speak about Laura like that," he teased. "I'll be forced to defend her honour!" I laughed. "Anyway," he continued, "don't change the subject. You've been on another planet this week. What's up?"

I sighed. "Nothing. At least, nothing I can really talk about. I'm fine, honestly."

He looked at me intently. "So there is something?"

"Kind of," I admitted. "But I'm alright. Sorry if I've been off with the fairies. I'll be fine by Monday, I promise."

"Ok," he said, standing up. "But seriously, Jess, if you need to talk, I'm here. I know I take the piss most of the time but you're my friend and I don't want you to be upset. And you're my work wife, so it's kind of my duty to make sure you're ok."

"Thanks Gary," I smiled. "I'll bear that in mind."

He squeezed my shoulder and got up from my desk, and went to finish his lunch. I felt bad that I'd ignored everyone this week, and made a mental note to snap out of my bubble next week. But right now I had another mini-date with Harry to stress about. I glanced at the clock. It was only 12.30. I had four and a half hours to get through. I wasn't sure my nerves would stand it...

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