70. Stockholm Syndrome

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I posted Chapter 69 on Sunday but it didn't notify everyone, thanks to Wattpad being a pain but it is up, so please check it out if you haven't already :/


Harry slid his arms around my waist, pulling me tightly against him as we kissed. I ran my fingers up his chest to his neck, and stroked his cheek with my right hand. His hair was damp, presumably from the shower (as he was now wearing a tshirt and joggers) and pulled back in a mun. He pulled his lips away from mine and nuzzled the side of his face into my hand, his eyes closed. I smiled at him, even though he couldn't see me. He looked so relaxed and happy, it made my heart swell.

"You were amazing onstage tonight," I said softly. "I couldn't take my eyes off you."

"Except when you were checking out Niall," he teased, his eyes still closed but his mouth curling up into a smile.

"He grabbed his crotch," I defended myself. "The whole stadium was looking!"

"I saw you staring at Louis too," he continued, but still smiling.

"I'm only human, Harry," I chided. "I saw you blowing kisses at other women. Do you really want to go down this road?"

He opened his eyes and grinned at me. "OK, maybe not."

"I thought not," I smiled. "If I'm OK with you gyrating on stage with thousands of girls screaming your name, you can get over me checking out your bandmates."

He looked down at me, still grinning, and tucked my hair behind my ear. "Why do you always win?"

"Win what?"

He slid his arms back around my waist.

"Everything. You only have to smile at me and I fall at your feet. What have you done to me?"

(It took everything I had not to ruin the moment by singing Stockholm Syndrome at him.)

"Nothing," I said softly. "The feeling is mutual. I feel like I can't function properly without you, Harry."

He squeezed me tightly and I leaned my head against his chest and sighed.

There was a sharp knock at the door and Niall's voice shouted, "Harry! Are you decent in there?!"

"Of course we are!" Harry called back, letting go of me and walking over to the door.

"What does he think we're doing?" I asked without thinking, and Harry threw me a guilty look over his shoulder as he opened the door and Niall stepped in.

"Hey Jess," he greeted me, and Louis appeared behind him in the doorway, making my heart leap. "Have you still got my iPod charger?" Niall asked Harry.

"Err, yeah, somewhere," Harry said vaguely, and began rooting in one of his bags on the floor.

"Sorry to interrupt, guys," Louis apologised, smirking.

"Yeah right," Harry muttered.

"It's OK, you didn't," I said, shooting a glance at Harry, but he wasn't looking at me.

"Sure," Louis smirked again, making my face turn red. 

"Can I have a selfie?" I blurted, then rolled my eyes in embarrassment.

Niall laughed. "Of course," he said.

"Err, she meant me," Louis said, rolling his eyes too, and coming over to me and draping his arm around my shoulder. "I'm her favourite."

He pulled his phone out and held it out in front of us, and snapped a picture.

"Stop saying things like that!" I scolded him. "You'll give Harry a complex!"

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