12. Midnight Memories

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I smiled softly at Harry, and slowly drew my hand away from his face. "It's getting late," I said. "I should be getting home."

Harry shook his head, still not breaking eye contact. "I think you like playing games," he said, not letting go of my waist. "But I still don't want to let you go. Come back with me. Just for coffee!" he protested as I opened my mouth to object.

I hesitated. "Make it a tea and you've got a deal," I agreed, resting my hand on his hip.

Harry pulled his phone out and sent a quick text, presumably to his driver. His phone pinged pretty quickly and he frowned. "There are loads of paps outside. We'll have to go out the back way," he said.

"OK," I shrugged. Better that than a load of chaotic photographers.

Harry ushered me through a door into a cold corridor and down some steps. A bouncer in a suit was waiting by a fire escape and he nodded at both of us. "Your car is at the end of the alley," he said.

"Thanks," Harry replied, and the bouncer pushed the door open. A light rain was falling and we both hesitated, before Harry grabbed my hand and we started to walk over the cobbled ground, picking our way over puddles. My Louboutins were not designed for this kind of terrain, and I stumbled, grabbing onto Harry's shirt. "Woah, steady," he laughed. "I keep telling you, if you want me to take my shirt off, you only have to ask."

I laughed at this, and realised I was actually feeling pretty drunk. He put his arm around me and I held onto him as he helped me walk the remaining few metres to the end of the alley where his black Range Rover was waiting with the lights on and the engine running. Harry let go of me and jogged ahead to open the back door, and I slid in and scooched over so he could jump in next to me. "Home please, Paul," Harry said, closing the door and fiddling with his seatbelt.

The car pulled away and I sat back in the seat, realising not only was I drunk, but also really tired. I heard my phone pinging every few seconds in my bag, and remembering the battery was really low I pulled it out of my bag and switched it off without looking at it. I turned to Harry who was watching me with interest. "Preserving the battery," I explained. "I'll need to call a cab to get home."

"Paul will drive you home whenever you're ready," Harry offered. "Doesn't matter what time it is."

"I'm sure Paul loves you for making that offer!" I laughed, and Paul smiled at me in the rear view mirror.

Harry smiled too, but said "I mean it. Whatever you want to do is fine."

"Really?" I said. I shifted closer to him on the back seat, and noticed Paul fix his eyes on the road ahead. I fleetingly wondered how many girls had been in the back of this car, and how many times Paul had had to be discreet.

"Did you have something in mind?" Harry asked, his eyes adopting that smouldering look that reduced me to jelly.

I didn't answer, but pressed myself up against him and kissed him softly on the lips. He returned the kiss and slipped his tongue in my mouth. I could still taste champagne and it made me feel light-headed. I ran my hands over the front of his shirt as we kissed, and I hardly noticed the car slow down and turn off the road, driving slowly through a set of large gates. Harry pulled away from me as the car stopped, and he pulled a set of keys out of his pocket. "Thanks Paul," he said.

"Yeah, thanks," I echoed as Harry opened the door and helped me out. We walked up some steps and Harry put his key in the front door and swung it open, flicking on the light to reveal a spacious hallway. He shut the door behind me and lead me into the kitchen, flicking lights on as he went.

"Soooo.... tea?" he asked.

"Uh, yes please," I replied, feeling suddenly shy.

He filled a kettle with water and switched it on, then gestured to a stool at the breakfast bar. I perched on it, and set my bag on the counter, feeling very self-conscious. It was weird, coming into a silent house after the noise and bustle of the evening. Even the car had the radio playing in the background. Harry seemed to feel the same way because he went over to a sound system and switched it on, and the silence was broken by the sound of a DJ talking loudly. He filled a glass with water and set it down on the counter next to me. "You said you wanted a water. Before, in Lagoon," he explained.

"Thanks," I smiled at him. I picked up the glass and drank half, relishing the icy liquid cooling me down from within. Harry leaned down on his elbows at the breakfast bar next to me. "How do you like your tea?" he asked me.

"Milk, no sugar," I said, trailing one finger up his bare forearm. He watched the movement of my hand and met my gaze as I looked up at him. "Then I really must be going."

He didn't answer, but made the tea, and came and sat down next to me at the breakfast bar. The radio station was now playing Katy Perry and I tapped my foot in time with the beat.

"You like a drum beat?" he asked me.

"I love it," I enthused. "And the bass. There's nothing sexier than a song with a great beat and bass line."

"I noticed you were drumming a beat earlier with your fingers, when we were in Lagoon," he said.

I blushed. "I can't help it, I like to know the exact beat to my favourite songs. When I'm in the car I like to turn it up really loud so the bass vibrates and I can feel the kick drum going right through me..." I trailed off, feeling embarrassed.

"That's amazing," he said. "I know exactly what you mean. I do it too."

I rested my hand on his thigh. "What songs?" I asked.

"Loads," he said. "I'm into all sorts of random stuff."

"Like?" I pressed.

Before he could answer, Katy Perry faded away and goosebumps flooded my body as I recognised the start of the next song coming through the speakers.

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