Author's Note

35.8K 1K 207

OK, so maybe it isn't quite the end.... :)

It turns out I'm not quite ready to let go of these characters yet, so their story will continue in the sequel - No Control | Holding Me Ransom.

And the good news is, the first chapter is already up! Go and take a look!

If you are reading this right now, I just wanna say thanks - even if you are a silent reader, every read counts and every time my reads hit a new milestone I literally squeal with excitement, so thank you :))) But if you liked it, please can you do me a massive favour? Would you go back and vote on every chapter, if it's not too much trouble? Just tap the star 🌟 on each chapter, and this will help the book gain credibility and become more visible to new readers. It will only take a couple of minutes and I really would be so grateful 💖💖💖


I absolutely love writing, and seeing so much passion and enthusiasm for this story in the comments has spurred me on to write almost every night since I started in March. So keep the votes and comments coming, and I will keep the updates coming! Deal? OK.

The next chapter is a Playlist of the songs that inspired this book - check it out!

PS I got a new cover - do you like it??? xx

P.P.S. As of 20th Feb 2016, this series is now a finalist in the Fanfiction Awards! Please please vote for it if you enjoyed it - details of how to do it are on my profile, and you can vote as many times as you like!!

Update - thanks for all the votes in the Fanfiction Awards! The No Control series was the Runner Up in the category BEST SERIES with over 145 million points!! THANK YOU!!

****This is now a Wattpad Featured story, as of 3rd October 2016! If you found this book on the Featured list and you're reading this now, please comment and let me know!!****

No Control (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now