7. Stand Up

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I picked up my bag and walked through the lounge into the kitchen and filled my glass with water. I downed the full glass, then filled it again and took a small sip. I know my limits when it comes to drinking. I've learned the hard way too many times.

I made my way down the hall to the bathroom, locked the door and set the glass of water down by the sink. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. My eyes were still sparkling, probably from my giddiness at hanging out with Harry Styles. I pulled my lipgloss out of my bag and reapplied it, before running a brush through my hair, although it didn't really need it. I used the toilet, washed my hands, and stared at my reflection again for a minute.

I didn't want Harry thinking I was some fame-hungry fan, desperate to get her name in the papers for being photographed with him. Anyone at this party could post something online, and it wouldn't take long for rumours to start flying. He only had to go to get frozen yogurt with a girl and suddenly the media decided that must be his girlfriend. I didn't want that kind of attention, and I was certain he didn't either.

I flicked my hair back over my shoulders and headed out of the bathroom and back to the little sofa under the stairs where Harry was now talking to a couple of guys I didn't know. I hung back shyly, not wanting to interrupt, but he caught sight of me and inclined his head to indicate for me to sit down. I perched shyly on the arm of the sofa and Harry introduced me to his two friends. We chatted for a while, and the whole time I was aware of people looking over at us. It made me feel uncomfortable. After about 15 minutes Harry's friends moved away and we were on our own again. I felt a yawn coming and tried to conceal it, but Harry caught me and leaned close to me.

"Am I boring you?" he asked, his eyes burning mine.

"No!" I chuckled. "I'm just a lightweight. And it's been a really long week."

"What do you do?" he asked me.

I told him about my job as an insurance underwriter, and told him about my little office in North London. I told him about my friends, and my family, and my tiny flat near Belsize Park. I forgot it was my secret-crush I was talking to, I forgot I was in a gorgeous house in Primrose Hill, I forgot there were celebrities around me. I was totally zoned into our conversation, the way he laughed at my jokes, the way his eyes kept smouldering at me. But all the while I was conscious people were staring, and as much as I wanted to continue the flirting we started earlier in the evening, I definitely didn't want anybody there getting the wrong (or right?) impression and making it news. It was only an hour later when I glanced at the clock and realised it was nearly midnight. I stifled another yawn behind my hand.

The party didn't seem to show any signs of slowing down, but I was feeling really tired. "It's getting late. I should probably think about heading home," I said. "Callie left hours ago."

"You don't have to leave just because she's not here," Harry said.

"I know, but didn't you get off a really long flight a couple of hours ago?" I said. "You must be exhausted."

"Nah, I've kind of gone past it now," he said. "Stay and have another drink? Or do you.." he hesitated.. "do you fancy going on somewhere else? A club maybe?"

Wow. Was this really happening? Harry Styles was asking me to go to a club with him? I mentally kicked myself. He was obviously only being polite as the poor guy had been stuck with me all night.

"I dunno, I'm really tired," I said, standing up. "I should probably call that cab now."

"Why, will you turn into a pumpkin at midnight?" he teased, getting to his feet too.

"You'll never know," I laughed.

"I'd like to find out," he said, his face serious. "Come on, come to a club with me. What's the worst that can happen?" He reached his hand out and touched my arm. Damn it, there was no way I was going to be be able to refuse with his skin touching mine.

"I'm just going to the bathroom," I said, pulling away from him and quickly scooting down the hall. I locked the door and leaned against the sink. What the hell was wrong with me? The guy was inviting me to a club with him, why was I saying no? Of course, I knew why. I still believed deep down that he wasn't really interested - why would he be? He was famous; I was nobody. He was drop dead gorgeous, I was average. I had lusted after him for 2 years; he only found out I existed 4 hours ago.

I thought back to my earlier resolution to grab this opportunity with both hands. It excited me and terrified me at the same time. I took a deep breath and decided to wing it.

After checking my reflection again, I opened the bathroom door and saw Harry waiting outside alone.

"Hey," he said. "Wait for me here, OK?" He disappeared into the bathroom and I played on my phone for a minute to save me standing uncomfortably by myself in the hall like a moron.

When he appeared back through the door, it was like seeing him again for the first time. I honestly don't think I have ever or will ever meet anyone so stunningly attractive in my whole life. My heart began thumping again as I looked up at his face; his deep green eyes, his dark curls styled up and back and those luscious lips I was so desperate to kiss. Jesus, snap out of it Jess.

"So what do you say?" he asked. "Can I persuade you to hit a club with me?"

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