39. Act My Age

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April 2015

I spent the next week eating rabbit food and working out every opportunity I got. Callie loyally accompanied me to the gym most evenings, and we headed onto Oxford Street for lunch and retail therapy on Saturday so I could buy some holiday clothes. Nicki had approved my time off, so I had booked my flight, but was starting to feel more and more sick every time I thought about it all.

"What if we get sick of each other after a week? What if it's really awkward?" I whined to Callie as we walked around Selfridges looking at the bikinis.

"Then you'll have had an amazing week of sunshine and sex," she said bluntly.

"What if the chemistry isn't there anymore though?" I pestered.

"Why would it not be?" she said. "Hey, this one would look great on you." She held up a navy striped two piece.

"Too conservative," I said. "I need to wow him. And I dunno, its just a long time to spend with somebody I just met."

"Yeah but it's not like you don't know him," Callie said. "You've been stalking him for the past 2 years. You even follow his bloody sister on Twitter. " She handed me a bright blue bikini with tie-sides.

"You know what I mean," I said. "It's gonna be intense." I picked up the same bikini in brilliant white.

"Isn't it always intense with him though?" she reminded me.

"Exactly! A week of intense intensity! I don't know how I'm going to cope!"

Callie shrugged. "If in doubt, shag him." She pushed me towards the changing rooms.

I laughed. "I fully intend to."

I went into a cubicle and tried both bikinis on, then stuck my head around the curtain and motioned for Callie to come and give her opinion.

"Wowser!" she exclaimed. "Jess, you look HOT!"

"Yesssssss," I said. "Prepare yourself, Harry Styles," I muttered. I pulled my phone out and snapped a selfie in the changing room mirror. I examined it thoroughly, and although the lighting wasn't the best, I actually looked good. I opened up a new message to Harry, attached the picture and pressed send, my palms sweating a little bit. I looked up to see Callie staring at me openmouthed in the mirror.

"Jessica Bradshaw!" she screeched. "What has got into you?!"

"Harry Styles," I answered cheekily, and Callie cackled wickedly and stamped her feet.

"You dirty minx," she teased.

I threw my clothes back on and came out of the changing room, and took both bikinis to the till to pay. We headed out of Selfridges and into a nearby cafe. "I want to look in Topshop next," I said as we sat down at a table and I pulled my phone out.

2 new messages from Harry Styles

I grinned as I opened them.

From: Harry Styles: I just did this:

Then underneath was a selfie. Harry was looking at the camera with his eyes wide and his mouth open, smiling. (see picture!)

I laughed out loud and mentally high-fived myself.

To: Harry Styles: Haha! So you should. I've been slaving in the gym for that reaction x

From: Harry Styles: You don't need to be slaving in the gym from what I remember xxx

To: Harry Styles: xxx

Before I put my phone away I snapped a selfie with Callie and posted it on Twitter - Lunch and shopping with my favourite girl @Callie_1993

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