48. One Way Or Another

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I woke up around 10am the following morning and rolled over to see Harry facing me, fast asleep. I lay still, watching him sleep for a few minutes, taking in his flawless beauty, before deciding this was creepy and sliding out of bed. I pulled on a pair of girl boxers and Harry's Green Bay Packers hoodie, and then checked my reflection in the bathroom mirror. I splashed some water on my face and pinched my cheeks to give them some colour, quickly cleaned my teeth and ran a brush through my hair. (There was no way I was risking bumping into any stray members of One Direction looking like a complete troll).

I left Harry sleeping and skipped down the stairs into the kitchen. The house was in complete silence, indicating I was the first one up. I flicked the kettle on and pulled 2 mugs out of the cupboard. I leaned on my elbows looking out of the kitchen window, humming Nobody Compares softly to myself. The kettle boiled and I threw a couple of tea bags into the mugs and sang the chorus a bit louder as I poured the water in and slowly stirred the tea. I paused my singing as I reached into the fridge for the milk and a voice behind me said, "Don't stop on my account."

I jumped and only just managed to hold onto the milk carton as I spun around to see Louis standing in the doorway in just a pair of boxers, rubbing his eyes sleepily with one hand and holding his phone in the other. My eyes travelled up and down his body for a second before I mentally shook myself and squeaked a hello.

"You like that song?" he asked by way of a greeting.

"Uh, yeah, one of my top 10," I managed to say.

"Are there any of our songs you don't like?" he teased, slipping onto a kitchen stool.

"A few," I blushed, sliding one of the mugs across the counter towards him.

"Ah, thanks," he said. "Which don't you like then?"

I smiled. "You're very interested in my taste in music."

"I've never hung out with a fan for this long," he said. "You're not hysterical or anything. You seem fairly normal. Apart from tweeting Harry pictures of birthday cakes."

A rush of heat flooded my body. "He showed you that?" I said, horrified.

"We know all about you," Louis smirked. "But I don't know which songs you don't like, sooo...."

I was eager to get off the subject of the birthday tweet so I decided to go with this conversation. "Um, ok, well I'm not a huge fan of the slow ones really. I always skip Little Things and You and I."

Louis smiled. "I'll let you off those. I didn't write them. But of course you already know that."

I nodded sheepishly and smiled. "I'll tell you what I'm interested in," I said, feeling brave, leaning on the counter on my elbows. Louis looked up at me with interest. "What's Harry been saying about me?"

"Ah," Louis grinned. "That would be telling wouldn't it?"

"You said it was a conversation for later," I reminded him. "Well, now is later."

"I did indeed," he nodded, smirking at me, his eyes locking into mine. I won't deny my heart skipped a beat when he did that, but nothing like when Harry looked into my eyes.

"Soooo...," I pressed.

"Soooo...?" he mimicked.

"So what's he said?" I asked, exasperatedly.

"What's who said?" Liam interrupted, appearing through the doorway, also wearing only a pair of boxers. Louis raised his eyebrows briefly at me before we both turned to look at Liam. Oh Christ. Two members of One Direction wearing only their underwear. I felt the urge to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

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