28. Magic

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It felt like I had barely shut my eyes when my alarm went off at 6am. I stuck my hand out the covers and silenced it, without even opening my eyes. I could feel Harry's arm draped over me and I laid there enjoying the weight of it across my waist. Five minutes later it sounded again, and I sighed. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't stay in bed any longer. I had work to do. I grabbed a pair of pyjama shorts and a little strappy top and pulled them on, while Harry didn't even stir. I resisted the urge to stand and stare at him sleeping, quickly brushed my teeth in the bathroom and went into the kitchen.

While my laptop was firing up I made a strong cup of tea, then sat down at the table and pulled my folder out of my work bag. I flexed my fingers, grabbed the first report, and began to type.

I worked solidly for an hour, only pausing to take a sip of tea. About 7am I heard Harry stir, and my pulse quickened. My bedroom door opened and he appeared, wearing nothing but a pair of boxer shorts, his hair sticking up in all directions. I became aware I was staring, open-mouthed, and quickly snapped my jaw shut. "Morning," he said sleepily.

"Hi," I said softly.

"Nature calls," he mumbled and disappeared into the bathroom. I got up and re-filled the kettle, grabbing another cup out of the cupboard and throwing teabag in it. I sat back down in front of my laptop. I was on the final hurdle now. I was entering financials with my right hand using the laptop number pad, and following along on my sheet of paper with my left hand. I heard the toilet flush and my stomach flipped over, causing me to enter a company's assets as £1.2 million, instead of £12,000. I hastily deleted 2 zeroes.

Harry appeared at the kitchen door, looking no more awake. "How are you getting on?" he asked, leaning on the door frame.

"Nearly done," I smiled, not looking up while I quickly entered some year-end dates in quick succession.

"You're speedy," he remarked, folding his arms across his chest.

I looked up at him. God he looked sexy. "I'm in the zone," I replied. "Would you like some tea?"

"I'll do it," he replied, crossing over to the kettle and pouring hot water into the mug I had got out for him. He grabbed my mug off the kitchen table. "Where are your teabags?" he asked.

"Cupboard to your right," I said. He reached up and I admired the way his back rippled as he stretched. My gaze fell to his bum in the tight boxers, and I smiled to myself. Unfortunately for me, he caught me looking.

"Are you checking out my buns of steel?" he smirked.

"No!" I scoffed, turning bright red. "Buns of steel," I muttered to myself but loud enough for him to hear. "Yeah right."

"Ahh, it's like that is it?" he remarked. "I see."

He set down a cup of tea next to me and came and stood behind me, looking at my screen. "You're very well trained," I observed, and looked up at him to see him grin.

"So what are you doing?" he asked.

"Just entering details into our system for these customers," I replied.

"What do they all mean?" he asked, gesturing to the numbers on my screen.

"That's just company accounts," I said. "Anyone can access these if you know where to look."

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Well, if you wanted to, you could look at any filed accounts for any company you wanted to see," I said. "So you could see what they're worth, how much cash they have, etc etc."

"For any company?" he asked, leaning down slightly to look at the screen.

"Yeah - look." I opened up a new tab on my laptop and logged on. I typed in a random company number and a company popped up on the screen. "OK, so these guys are worth nothing, and are probably about to go bust any minute," I said, pointing to their figures.

"Interesting," he mused, scooping my hair into his hand, and tucking it over my left shoulder.

"Well, I think so, but I'm a nerd," I said, flicking back onto my previous screen, and typing in some more numbers. Harry's fingers skated over my bare right shoulder, and he planted a soft kiss on the back of my neck. My heart rate instantly shot up and I missed the keypad, entering a load of goobledegook. "Oops," I said nervously, hitting the backspace button. I paused, trying to remember what I had been doing. I felt Harry's breath on my neck as he kissed my shoulder, and I felt goosebumps break out all down my right side. He kissed my neck again and I let my head fall slightly to the left. "OK you're going to have to stop doing that," I breathed as I entered a company's incorporation date as 25/03/2035.

"Why?" he whispered against my neck.

I couldn't think of a good reason why he should stop, when every fibre in my body was screaming for him to carry on. He trailed kisses along my jawline and I turned around and stood up. He pulled me against his warm chest and pressed his lips against mine. "Was twice last night not enough for you?" I murmured into his mouth, feeling him pressing hard against me.

"You do something to me," he murmured back as he lifted my top up and pulled it over my head.

"I'll be late for work," I protested with no conviction as he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"I'll drive you," he said. He carried me through to the bedroom and threw me on the bed.

Well who was I to argue with that?

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