61. Na Na Na

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"What?" I asked, completely nonplussed.

"I said, 'Who's Adam Plan B?'" he repeated, getting to his feet.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said, staring at him. "What do you mean?"

"You've just had a text. From Adam Plan B. Something about a date?"

"What?!" I exclaimed, staring at my phone in Harry's hand. "What are... ohhhh...." Suddenly it clicked.

Callie had put James's friend's number in my contacts the night I had left my phone at The Rose Garden as 'Adam Plan B'. Oh shit.

I looked up at Harry's face. He looked pissed off, and crushed.

"Oh God - Harry - this really isn't... this is Callie's doing, honestly... I don't even know this guy... I've never... oh God." I rubbed my hand over my face. I couldn't get the words out quick enough.

He said nothing, but just watched me stammering and floundering. It must have looked bad.

"OK, the night I drunk dialled you and you hung up on me - the same night I left my phone in the bar - Callie wanted to set me up with one of her boyfriend's mates...."

"Yes I know. Grimmy said," Harry interrupted, his voice emotionless. His eyes didn't leave mine. I got the impression he was scrutinising me, trying to read me.

"Yes, so you know that his mate's name was Adam," I continued, staring into Harry's eyes. "Well this Adam wasn't there with us that night so Callie put his number in my phone because... because she thought I needed a Plan B in case things didn't work out with us. Me and you." I sighed. "I know how callous that sounds but I never had any intention of doing anything with it. It was just easier to humour Callie than to try and argue. I think she was fed up of me moping around over you and wanted me to move on. She knows how I feel about you but she's practical - a realist. She doesn't let her heart rule her head, and she expects everyone else to be the same."

I reached out to touch Harry's arm but he pulled it away out of reach, still staring at me, his expression hard.

My stomach lurched. No way - this could not be happening. I was not about to let this go belly up over absolutely nothing.

"Harry, come on - do you honestly think after all this I would be interested in some guy I've never even met, over you? After everything I told you last night?"

"Why is this guy texting you then?" Still no emotion in his voice. Christ.

"I honestly don't know!" I said, my heart pounding. I suddenly had the feeling he was slipping through my fingers all over again. "He's never texted me before. I can only assume Callie told him to get in touch after the fiasco at the Big Weekend yesterday. But I don't know, I haven't spoken to her properly since I left Norwich. What did the text even say?"

"Something about a date."

"What about a date? Give me my phone."

"I don't know, it was only on the preview screen."

I rolled my eyes, and began to feel relieved (and a bit pissed off). He hadn't even read the whole text? Over-reaction, much? Although I appreciate I was in a glass house throwing stones right now.

I took my phone from him, unlocked it and handed it straight back. "What does the text say?" I asked him.

He looked at me for a moment, and then down at my phone. He tapped the screen and I saw his eyes read the message. He looked up at me.

"Well?" I said.

"'Hi Jess it's Adam. Just wondering if you fancied coming on a date with me some time?'" Harry read. "Smiley face, two kisses."

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