68. Diana

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Harry dropped me off home about 8.30pm. I didn't invite him up and he didn't ask - part of me just wanted the evening to chill out by myself and mull over the meeting we'd had with Modest.

I grabbed a bowl of cereal for my dinner, quickly packed a weekend bag for Holmes Chapel, and then got into bed with a cup of tea around 9.30. I caught up on Twitter and Facebook, and briefly wondered how long these would be my own - I was sure Modest would want some form of control over my social media once I officially became Harry's girlfriend and I wasn't sure how I felt about that.

Once I had exhausted these channels I indulged in a bit of fanfiction on Wattpad - my guilty pleasure that Harry (and no one else apart from Sarah - not even Callie) certainly did not know about, and as far as I was concerned, never ever would. There were some things Harry definitely did not need to know. And I was certain if Modest ever got wind of it, I would be forced to surrender my account quicker than you could say imaginator1D.

I had managed to get an appointment with the doctor at 8.30 the following morning to sort out going on the contraceptive pill, so by the time I had lugged my weekend bag to the surgery and then to the office for 9am I was already pissed off.

I hadn't told anyone where I was going that weekend, in an attempt to try and protect Harry's privacy, but of course it became the topic of the office as soon as I walked in with my holdall, so I had to resort to telling everyone I was going to my parents' for the weekend, alone. I could tell Sarah and Nicki didn't believe me but neither of them pushed the matter and I was glad to be left in peace for the rest of the day, and as a result raced through all of my work with no distractions.

I left the office 10 minutes early with Nicki's permission, picked up 2 frappes from Costa for me and Harry, and waited outside until I caught sight of his Audi R8 crawling along in the evening traffic. I awkwardly managed to throw my holdall into the back seat, and then jumped in the front next to Harry and handed him one of the frappes.

"Ah, thanks," he said, leaning over to kiss me.

"I missed you, Squidge," I said.

He rolled his eyes and muttered "Squidge," in a tone of disbelief under his breath, before grinning at me.

"You know you love it," I shot at him, and he just shook his head, still grinning.

It took us a while to get out of London but once we were on the M40 the traffic eased slightly.

"When do you start rehearsals for the tour?" I asked.

"Wednesday," he said.

"That's late," I remarked. "Considering your first show is Friday. I can't wait to hear No Control. That will be the highlight of my life."

He glanced at me. "Uhhh, I'm not sure quite how to break this to you..."

"What?" I asked. "Don't tell me it's not on the setlist."

"Um, it's not on the setlist until Brussels."

"Are you kidding me?" I was staring at Harry with my mouth open. He shook his head. "Why not?" I demanded.

"Because we're only changing the setlist in cities we visited last year. If we didn't visit on the Where We Are Tour, we're sticking with the current setlist."

"That's bullshit!" I practically shouted. "You have to play No Control! What about Project No Control? We went through all that for nothing?! What does Louis have to say about this?"

I pulled out my phone furiously and sent a Twitter DM to Louis.


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