23. Change Your Ticket

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My heart pounded so hard it was practically jumping out of my chest. What did he mean by that?

I mean, obviously I knew what he meant, but what did he mean? Was he making polite conversation or was he actually asking me out? It couldn't be the latter - he was due to start the next leg of the tour tomorrow. Hadn't he said he was flying out in the morning?

I tapped my fingers on my desk. What should I say? I had a stack of work to do before tomorrow; there was no way I could get it all done today and had been planning on taking it home with me to finish it. I typed a few responses and deleted them all before sending. I didn't want him to think that I thought he was asking me out. That would be so embarrassing.

To: @Harry_Styles: I have a date with my laptop. Don't be jealous! x

I nervously pressed send and put my phone on the table. My stomach was flipping and churning so I no longer felt like eating the rest of my sandwich. I sipped my water and tried not to stare at my phone. I didn't succeed. After a couple of minutes it lit up with a notification and I grabbed it before it even began its Ping.

From: @Harry_Styles: Think I am a little bit. How about a date with me instead? Would your laptop mind? x

The blood rushed to my face and I felt lightheaded. Was this a wind-up? This had Gary written all over it. I sneaked a look around the office. Most people were on lunch, so it was fairly empty. The people still at their desks were paying no attention to me whatsoever. I shakily got to my feet and walked between the desks to the kitchen. Gary was in there, chatting with Sarah and a few others. I went over to the kettle and switched it on. They said hi, but carried on their conversation about their weekend plans. Clearly nobody in here was winding me up. I walked back to my desk, sat down and looked at his message again. I didn't know what to say. Of course I wanted to see him but I knew I wouldn't be able to finish off my reports in time and they had to be in first thing in the morning. But I couldn't turn down a date with Harry Styles. I would never forgive myself.

To: @Harry_Styles: I don't think my laptop would mind at all. I'm sure I can shuffle a few things around x

Check me out, being breezy. Inside I was screaming though. The reply came back almost immediately.

From: @Harry_Styles: So is that a yes? x

To: @Harry_Styles: Looks like it is :) x

From: @Harry_Styles: Great. Shall I pick you up at 8? We could go for some dinner x

Pick me up? Like, from my flat? I hadn't been expecting that.

To: @Harry_Styles: Sure. Do you need directions? x

I resisted the urge to crack a joke about Directions.

From: @Harry_Styles: Your postcode is in my Sat Nav. What number are you? x

To: @Harry_Styles: Flat 2. I'll look out for you x

From: @Harry_Styles: OK. Text me from your phone so I have your number x

To: @Harry_Styles: I would but I don't have yours! x

From: @Harry_Styles: Yes you do. Check your contacts ;) x

Wait, what? I closed Twitter, opened my contacts and began scrolling through. I got to H and gave a sharp intake of breath. Sure enough, there it was. Harry Styles. Oh my freaking God. How on earth did that get there? Had someone hacked my phone or something? I was freaked out. I went back on Twitter and went into our DMs.

To: @Harry_Styles: How did your number get in my phone?

From: @Harry_Styles: I put it in there, in case you wanted to text me x

To: @Harry_Styles: You put it there?? When?!

From: @Harry_Styles: When I gave you a lift home and you thought your phone was playing up. I put my number in your contacts x

Everything began to make sense. I started to feel a bit silly for getting freaked out. And then flattery kicked in and I realised Harry Styles had given me his number. HARRY STYLES HAD GIVEN ME HIS NUMBER!

I closed Twitter again and opened up his contact. I opened up a new message quickly typed:

To: Harry Styles: Hey, it's Jess x

He replied immediately.

From: Harry Styles: How do I know it's definitely you? You could be a crazy stalker ;) x

I laughed out loud. If only he knew. I sent a response back:

To: Harry Styles: Ditto. You're the one who sneaked your number in my phone without telling me. Maybe you're a crazy stalker? x

There was a pause of a couple of minutes, then all of a sudden a picture message came through. He'd taken a selfie. He was sitting on a sofa in a black t-shirt and he was grinning cheekily at the camera with one hand giving a thumbs up.

"Jesus Christ," I breathed. Before I could reply he sent me another message.

From: Harry Styles: Will that do? x

Be cool, Jess, be cool.

To: Harry Styles: I suppose. Good job you sent me that or I may not have recognised you tonight x

From: Harry Styles: Lol. Do I get one back? x

To: Harry Styles: Why, have you forgotten what I look like? x

I quickly grabbed my lipgloss out of my bag and slicked some on my lips. I checked my reflection in my compact mirror and pulled my ponytail forward over my shoulder. I arranged a few wisps around my face as another message came through.
From: Harry Styles: I never forget a pretty face x

My breath caught in my throat. I couldn't believe he'd just called me pretty.

To: Harry Styles: Smooth talker. Here you go x

I sent that message and quickly turned towards the light and snapped a selfie. I pressed send before I could change my mind. A minute later he replied:

From: Harry Styles: Wow. And nice desktop background x

Oh jeez. I'd turned towards the light to take the selfie, and you could clearly see my laptop background behind me, which was a picture of Harry Styles at the VMAs. If you looked hard enough, you could see my One Direction pens, my Harry Styles mug and Harry Styles mousemat. And around the edges of my screen were little One Direction stickers that Sarah and I had bought and shared between us. I wanted to die of shame.

To: Harry Styles: Thanks. I'm at my friend's desk though x

From: Harry Styles: Your friend has good taste x

To: Harry Styles: Hmmm I'm more of a Louis girl ;) x

From: Harry Styles: Are you? x

To: Harry Styles: Lol. No x

From: Harry Styles: You definitely know how to keep a guy on his toes x

To: Harry Styles: And you know all the right moves! Now stop texting me. I have to get on with my work or I'll have to stay late x

From: Harry Styles: Wouldn't want to ruin your plans for this evening ;) see you later x

I didn't reply to that, but spent the last 5 minutes of my lunch break re-reading our text conversation and grinning stupidly. Gary caught my eye across the room as he came back into the office and raised his eyebrows. "What's got you so giddy?" he asked.

"You wouldn't believe me even if I told you," I said smugly, flicking my ponytail back over my shoulder. "Now, nobody speak to me this afternoon. I have a zillion things to get done before I leave."

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