16. Stole My Heart

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"Wow, close," I said. I shifted uncomfortably as my phone repeatedly vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out, tutted and threw it in my bag. Harry looked at me.

"There's something wrong with it," I explained, as we pulled up to a long queue at some traffic lights.

"What's wrong with it?" he asked.

"Dunno, just keep getting notifications for stuff, like Twitter," I told him.

"Want me to take a look?" he offered, glancing at the cars to make sure they weren't moving off. They weren't.

"Um, sure," I said, pulling it out and handing it to him. He took it and started pressing buttons on it. I stared out the window at the people walking past on the pavement who were completely oblivious to the fact that Harry Styles was only feet away from them. Had I ever been only a few feet away from Harry and not realised it? I idly wondered. I doubted he could ever be this close to me and me not sense it. Even now, my heart was beating faster than it should, purely due to being sat next to him. And when he looked into my eyes... well, you already know what happened.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with it," he said, interrupting my thoughts by passing my phone back to me.

"Really?" I frowned. "Why do I keep getting Twitter notifications then?"

He smirked. "Maybe you have a new follower or something." He looked at me out of the corner of his eye.

"Are you taking the piss out of my 3 Twitter followers?" I demanded.

He laughed. "Not at all. Scout's honour!" he protested as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Were you even a boy scout?" I asked.

"Well, no... but I'm telling the truth," he promised, grinning at me. Damn he was so sexy. I looked down at my phone to see it switching itself off. Great. The battery had given up.

An incoming call on the sound system interrupted our conversation. Harry glanced briefly in my direction before answering it. "Hi Mum."

"Hello sweetheart! You're up, then?" came a female voice through the speakers. The dashboard showed 'Call Connected - Mum'.

"Yeah, I'm already on my way, I've literally just left," Harry replied.

"Oh, fantastic!" came the response. "I hope you're not too tired. Did you get a good night's sleep last night?"

I smiled at the irony, and saw the corners of Harry's mouth turn up. He cleared his throat and said, "Eventually. I'd slept loads on the plane so I had a bit of trouble dropping off. I'm fine now though."

"Well make sure you stop if you get tired." His mother's voice sounded concerned.

"I will, Mum."

"OK love. Don't rush, just get here safely. Robin and Gemma can't wait to see you."

"Yeah I'm looking forward to seeing you all too," Harry said.

"I know. Take care then, see you in a bit."

"Will do. Bye," Harry said.

"Bye, love."

The call ended and the radio came back on.

"Sorry about that," Harry said.

"Don't apologise. Your mum sounds lovely," I said.

"Yeah she is," Harry smiled. "It'll be good to see her. Well, all of them. I'm looking forward to some nice home-cooked meals."

"I bet," I said.

We drove in silence for a couple more minutes, and then Harry pulled up outside my little flat.

"Thanks for the lift home," I said, tucking my hair behind my ear and unbuckling my seatbelt.

"You're welcome. I had a really great night," he said, smiling at me.

"Yeah, me too," I said. "Sorry about your shirts."

"I'm not," he winked, and I blushed.

"OK, well, it was nice meeting you," I said shyly.

"You too," he said, and extended his hand as if to give me a formal handshake.

I chuckled and held my hand out to shake his, and quick as a flash he pulled my arm so I was forced towards him, and planted a soft kiss on my lips. My entire body erupted in fireworks, and my lips burned hot as his tongue slipped in my mouth again. I hadn't been expecting that at all. When we broke apart I picked up my bag and put my hand on the door handle, not wanting the situation to become awkward. "Bye, Harry," I said softly as I opened the door.

"See ya Jess," he said, watching as I slid out of the passenger side. I shut the door and walked up the steps to the front door of the building, fumbling for my keys. I stuck it in the lock, twisted it, and opened the door. I resisted the urge to look back, as I thought I'd done a pretty good job of being cool so far, and really didn't want to ruin it at the last moment. I shut the door behind me, then immediately turned around and peered through the peephole. It was only after the door was shut that he put the car into gear and pulled away.

I slowly walked up the stairs to my own front door, put the key in the lock and opened it. Stepping inside, the flat looked exactly the same as it had when I left it not 24 hours earlier, but I felt as though everything had changed. I had slept with Harry Styles. TWICE. I went into the lounge and flopped onto the sofa. The clock on the wall said 12.15pm. I wasn't hungry, as I'd eaten the toast at Harry's, but I was exhausted. After all, I'd not even had 6 hours' sleep. I curled my feet up under me and pulled a blanket over my legs. I vaguely thought I should probably stick my phone on charge, but my eyelids were already starting to droop, so I let myself drift off, hoping I might re-live the past 24 hours in my dreams...

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