66. One Thing

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So here's the second part of the double update today! Please vote and comment - it means the world to me!! :) (and I have Tonsillitis so I need cheering up) xx 


"I love how you can just click your fingers and get exactly what you want," I called as I heard the door shut behind me and I walked slowly over to where he was standing.

"Perks of being rich and famous," he smiled. "I didn't think that ever applied to you, though."

"Are you kidding?" I said as I stood in front of him. "One smirk from you and I'm wrapped around your little finger."

He put his hands on my waist and turned us around so I now had my back to the wall and he was facing me.

"I'd rather your legs were wrapped around my waist," he murmured, and he pushed me back against the wall and pressed his lips onto mine.

I made a small squeak of protest at his words, but it was swallowed by his kiss as he pushed his tongue into my mouth. I wound my fingers into his hair as his hands gripped my waist and squeezed gently, and after a minute his hips shifted and I could feel something pressing against my groin through his jeans.

I pulled away from him an inch and smirked at him. "Harry Styles!" I scolded him softly. "What is that you're poking me with?"

"Do you want to see?" he murmured, leaning down and kissing my neck. His breath was hot on my skin and I gave a small shudder.

"I don't need to see to know what it is," I said breathlessly as his lips left goosebumps on my jawline.

"So why did you ask?" he breathed, pressing his lips against mine again, rendering me temporarily speechless.

I ran my hands down his back and slipped them into the back pockets of his jeans, giving his bum a squeeze. "Mmmm, squidgey," I whispered.

"Stop calling me that," he said, with no conviction at all.

"I wasn't calling you that," I said, giving his hips a gentle nudge with mine. "I was talking about your bum."

"You called me Squidge in front of your brother," he moaned. 

"So?" I teased. "It suits you." I gave his bum another squeeze and dug my nails into the fabric, before sliding my hands up his front and stroking his partially exposed chest. I gently played with the chain of the necklace he was wearing - the one I had given him - and he pressed his hardness against me again.

We kissed for a minute like this, but it was getting hotter and hotter, and Harry's hands left my waist and dropped down to my thighs, where he gently stroked my skin before slipping his right hand slowly under my dress and up my leg.

My eyes flew open and I broke the kiss, to look him in the eye. "What are you doing?" I asked.

He smirked. "What do you think I'm doing?"

"Sailing close to the wind!" I squeaked, putting my hand on his chest and pushing him back. "What if someone sees?"

He frowned and pulled his hand away. "Not this again."

"No, not like that," I said, hastily. "Well... sort of like that. I mean there is a photographer in the bar and the street outside is crawling with paparazzi. Do you really want a photo of you with your hand up my dress plastered all over the front page of every newspaper tomorrow morning? Because I don't."

"No one is going to take a picture of us," he said, leaning forward and kissing me again. I pushed him firmly back again.

"I'm sorry, have we stepped into some sort of parallel universe? 'No one is going to take a picture of us' ?! That's all they ever do!"

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