31. I Should Have Kissed You

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Harry and I exchanged looks as the girl scooted out of her seat and came over to us. "Are you Harry Styles?!" she asked breathlessly.

"Yeah, hi," Harry replied, smiling.

"Oh my God!" she squealed. "Could I have a picture with you?"

"Um, sure," Harry said as she pulled her phone out and crouched down next to him to take a selfie.

"Is she your girlfriend?" the girl asked, looking at me.

"She's my friend," Harry said, smiling at me.

I smiled at the girl and she grinned back. "Wow, I'm like sooo jealous!" she squealed. She couldn't have been more than about 14. People were starting to look over and I shifted in my seat. "Thanks!" she said, and went back over to her seat.

"Cute," I said to Harry.

"You're cuter," he said, winking at me.

"I thought we agreed no winking," I said, as my face flushed red and my stomach flipped.

"I never agreed to that," he smirked.

I shook my head at him. Then I smiled, feeling suddenly bold. "You've got something on your face," I lied.

He frowned. "Where?"

"There," I said, pointing vaguely at his mouth.

He wiped his lips with his hand and looked at me. I shook my head and leaned forward and reached over to him. "It's still there," I lied. I looked deep into his eyes and my heart began to pound harder. I gently bit down on my bottom lip without breaking eye contact, and slowly and softly ran my index finger over his bottom lip. He breathed deeply and dropped his gaze to my bottom lip.

"Below the belt," he murmured, referring to my cheap shot.

I softly licked my lips and leaned a bit closer, knowing I was driving him crazy. "I tried that the first night, but you said it was wayyy too good, remember?" I whispered.

His eyes widened as I pulled back and he turned his head to the side and breathed, "Jesus Christ."

Now it was my turn to smirk. "Two can play that game, Harry Styles."

"This is what I mean about keeping me on my toes," he murmured.

"Well I can't let you have all the fun, can I?" I teased, briefly dropping my gaze to his crotch area and back to his eyes again. "Don't start what you can't finish."

He grinned at me, shaking his head.

"Oh my God, it really is, it's Harry Styles!" Another teenage girl was making her way towards us, with two friends in tow. The sexual tension was broken, and Harry turned to them and smiled. He spent a few minutes talking to them and letting them take selfies with him, and it was starting to draw attention from not only people inside Costa but people on the street too.

"I reckon we've got about five minutes before we get mobbed," Harry said, glancing at his watch. "And my car is due any minute."

"I should probably get going too," I said, gathering my stuff together and standing up.

"Jess," he began, standing up too. I looked at him. "I meant what I said, about not using you," he said.

"What if I was just using you?" I teased.

"I don't think you were," he said, confidently.

"What makes you so sure?" I asked, although of course he was right.

"You've made every effort to keep us quiet," he said simply. "And you came to meet me today."

Ok, he had me there. I just shrugged and smiled, and started to head to the exit.

"I'll be back in a month or so," he began. "Maybe we..."

"Harry, stop," I said. He looked at me in confusion as we got to the door. He opened it for me and we walked out onto the street. "Look, you're going on tour and you're going to have the pick of any girl you want," I said. "Don't leave me hanging on a promise that will probably never happen."

"I'm not..," he began again, but I cut him off.

"You're 21, free and single. Go and enjoy it."

"I'd just like us to at least stay friends," he said. "I don't want this to be the last time I ever see you. You're not just some random hook up."

"We had fun, Harry. Let's just leave it at that," I said. "No pressure, no hassle."

He stopped on the pavement alongside a large black BMW, and I recognised Paul as he got out of the driver's seat. A few people were looking at Harry and pointing, and a few camera phones were being aimed in our direction.

"Ready?" Paul said to Harry, and then he smiled at me. I smiled back at him.

"Almost, just one minute," Harry said, and I saw him briefly glance sideways at the people taking pictures of us.

"I have to go," I said. "I'm seeing Callie tonight."

Harry looked into my eyes, and I felt the familiar heat flood through my body as my heart pounded. Every fibre of my being was desperate to throw myself against him and press my lips to his. He looked as though he was also contemplating something. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and tapped the camera button. He held it out in front of us and leaned his head close to mine. We both grinned at the camera, and he snapped the picture. He put his phone away then said "I'll text you."

I shrugged. "Ok," I said. "Have a safe flight."

He nodded and turned away to get in the car. I waited until he had shut the door and just as I turned to walk away I saw him wink. Cheap shot, I thought as I chuckled and shook my head at him, before turning away and walking towards the tube. I briefly looked back at the car, but it had already begun to pull away.

I stuck my hands in my jacket pockets and walked quickly to the tube station and ďown the steps. A train was due any minute so I hurried onto the platform to wait. I managed to get a seat as I was an hour later than usual, and I held my bag on my lap as I stared out the window at the inside of the tunnel for the entire ride home. I got off at Belsize Park and walked up the steps and out into the darkening streets. I reached my flat and glanced briefly at the spot where his Range Rover had been parked this morning. Another car now occupied the space.

I opened the main front door and hurried up the steps to my own door. I fumbled with keys and opened the door, and as I walked in I heard a text come through on my phone, then another one immediately after. I shut the door behind me and pulled my phone out of my bag. 2 new messages from Harry Styles.

My heart thudded as I opened up my messages.

The first one was a picture message - the photo he had just taken by the car. We were both grinning at the camera; my eyes were sparkling and he looked mouth-wateringly gorgeous. It was a brilliant picture.

The second simply said, I should have kissed you x


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