41. Rock Me

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I felt heat rush to my face as our lips touched and he slipped his tongue in my mouth. He lightly touched my hand with his fingertips and I felt goosebumps break out all up my arm. I moved my hand up, curling my fingers around the back of his neck as we kissed, and I felt his hot breath on my cheek. He smelled absolutely amazing. My heart was thumping madly. I gently stroked the back of his neck and he moaned softly, then pulled his face away from me an inch, opened his eyes and smiled. I smiled back shyly.

He rested his elbow on the back of the seat, and then rested his head on his hand, looking at me. His legs were directed towards me, and mine towards him, so our knees were touching.

"So," he said.

"So," I said back, trying to tone down the stupid grin on my face, and failing miserably. I laughed softly at myself and turned my face away.

"Don't go all shy on me now," he teased, making me grin harder.

"Stop embarrassing me then!" I chided him, pushing my knee against his, and he grinned back at me.

"Did you sleep on the plane?" he asked.

"Yeah, for a few hours," I said.

"You can get your head down for a bit when we get home if you like," he offered.

"I'm OK," I said. "The longer I can stay up tonight the better." He nodded.

It was almost 4pm LA time before we pulled through some gates into a huge driveway, and stopped outside Harry's house. The driver jumped out first and opened my door for me, and then went to the boot to get my suitcase out. I stepped out of the car and Harry walked around the back and came and stood next to me, as a second car drove through the gates, and they began to close. He guided me up to the front door and opened it for me, and I stepped into the hallway. Harry led me through into a huge kitchen, and I heard the two security guards come into the hall and set my case down by the stairs.

"Would you like a drink?" Harry asked.

"I could murder a proper cup of tea," I confessed.

"Yeah, plane tea is gross isn't it," he nodded, flicking the kettle on and pulling a couple of mugs out of the cupboard.

"Do you mind if I get changed?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, course, sorry," he said. "Let me show you upstairs." He led me to the stairs and picked up my case. He grunted. "Bloody hell, what have you got in here?"

"Just the essentials," I grinned, picking up my cabin bag and following him up the stairs. My heart began to pound as we got nearer the top, and Harry hesitated on the landing.

"I meant what I said earlier. On text," he said. "No pressure. You know."

"It's fine," I said, feeling a flush rise in my cheeks. "I'm not the sort to succumb to peer pressure."

He grinned and pulled my case into his bedroom. "The bathroom's just through there if you want a shower or anything. There are loads of clean towels in there. Just make yourself at home."

"Thanks," I said.

"I'll wait downstairs. Take your time."

I wasn't planning on having a shower but now he'd mentioned it, the thought appealed to me. After Harry had left the room I opened my suitcase and grabbed my toiletries and headed to the ensuite bathroom. The shower was a huge walk-in one with massive jets on the walls and ceiling. It was heaven after the 11 hour flight. Once I had finished I pulled on a pair of leggings and a strappy top, and pulled my hair into a ponytail. I put a little bit of makeup on so my skin didn't look blotchy after the shower, and headed downstairs feeling tired but more human. I could hear Harry in the kitchen so I walked in, feeling a bit shy and awkward.

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