24. Little Black Dress

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I literally didn't speak to anyone for the rest of the afternoon. I have never worked so fast in my whole life. I had sheets of paper all over my desk, about a zillion tabs open on my laptop and I was firing emails back and forth to the Sales department like there was no tomorrow. Sarah brought me regular cups of tea and I smiled gratefully each time a fresh one appeared on my desk.

I started tidying up about quarter to five and packed my laptop into its carry case. I knew I'd have to be up early to finish the last few things off but I had got loads of it done. As soon as the clock turned 5pm I stood up and began slipping my arms into the sleeves of my coat, and was walking towards the door when Gary called, "oohh someone's on a promise!"

"I'd love to stay and take the piss out of you Gary, but I have a date," I said, rolling my eyes and opening the door.

"I knew it!" he called, standing up and following me, pulling his coat on as he came. Sarah was close behind.

"Have you really got a date, Jess?" Sarah asked. I was walking quickly through reception now and they were both half-jogging to keep up with me.

"Yep," I replied, blushing.

"Blimey, she must be keen, the speed she's walking," Gary said to Sarah. He turned to me. "It's not Harry Styles is it?" They both laughed as my face turned crimson.

"Yes, that's exactly it, I have a date with Harry Styles," I said in a sarcastic tone, knowing they would never guess I was actually serious. I pulled open the main door, walked down the steps and turned in the direction of the tube.

"Have fun!" Gary called after me and I turned briefly to see them standing on the pavement waving and grinning.

"Thanks!" I called back and began to jog towards the station.

The platform was rammed. I pushed my way to the front, ignoring the glares and tutts I was getting. I didn't care. I needed as long as possible to get ready.

It was 5.45 when I opened the door to my flat and dumped my bag and laptop on the table. I had no idea where we were going so I didn't know what to wear, but in my head I had a couple of outfits planned. I headed into my bedroom and opened my wardrobe. I flipped through everything and settled on a tight black dress, bare legs, chunky jewellery and a blazer. I threw on some quick-dry fake tan so I wouldn't look too pasty, and then once it was safe to wash it off I jumped in the shower and washed my hair. I wrapped myself in a towel when I got out and dried my hair, curling it into soft waves. This always took ages and it was almost 7.30 by the time I was finished. I pulled on the dress and began applying my make up. I don't usually wear much, but I wanted to make it look like I had made an effort. I was ready by 7.45 so I had a quick tidy round and went and stood by the window, peeking out to see if I could see him arrive. About five to eight a black Range Rover pulled into the car park and my stomach began turning somersaults. I checked my reflection one last time and tried to wipe the nervous look from my face. My flat buzzer went so I pressed the button to release the door and said through the intercom, "come on up, straight up the stairs."

I took a deep breath and opened the door to my flat in time to see him walking up the stairs. My jaw nearly hit the floor. He was wearing his trademark black skinny jeans, beige boots and an off-white shirt that was partially unbuttoned. He looked like a God.

His eyes met mine and I felt that familiar jolt of electricity. He smiled at me. "You look amazing," he said.

"Thanks," I said. "Come in." He followed me into the flat and waited while I closed the curtains and switched the TV off. I picked up my bag and keys and smiled at him again. "Ok, ready."

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