56. Back For You

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I stared at Harry, unable to believe my eyes. He didn't venture into the room, but hovered in the doorway with a serious expression.

"What are you doing here?!" I spluttered.

"I think we need to talk," he said. His face wasn't giving anything away.

"Okayyy," I said uncertainly, my heart pounding. "What about?"

"The economic crisis in Greece," he said, rolling his eyes. "What do you think?"

He took a couple of steps into the room towards me, and I slid off the bed and stood up.

"Why were you at the Big Weekend?" I asked.

Harry didn't answer.

"I thought you were staying in LA," I persisted.

He looked down at his nails. "I was. I changed my mind. I came back... for you."

My whole body flushed and my stomach lurched. "Oh my God, Harry," I breathed, lifting my head and staring up at the ceiling as the magnitude of his words flooded through me. Harry said nothing but I felt his eyes on me and I dropped my gaze to meet his.

"How did you get past Calvin?" I managed to say.

Harry stared into my eyes for a moment and I detected the beginnings of a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth.

"You make it sound like this is the final level of Super Mario or something, and he's the boss you have to defeat at the end before you run up the stairs and rescue the princess," he said.

I smirked back at him in spite of myself. "Well your face is still in tact so he either doesn't know you're here or you talked him round."

"Actually, it's sort of down to him I'm even here at all," Harry said.


"I didn't know where you'd gone. Your friend Callie said you'd left but hadn't gone home, but she wouldn't go into details. I pressed her on it but she wouldn't give anything away. I looked on Twitter and there was nothing, so I tried Facebook and saw your brother had tagged you here, with a reference to Where Do Broken Hearts Go. I could see it on the map so I started driving here and on the way I called the driver who took you home from the airport and got him to tell me the postcode and house number."

"Why?" I whispered, trying to process all of this.

"I told you. We need to talk."

"It's a lot of hassle to go to just to talk to me," I said. "We can talk on the phone."

"You wouldn't answer," he said, simply.

"I couldn't face another row," I sighed.

"And you wouldn't even look at my texts."

"I thought you'd be shouting at me again, like you did on the phone," I confessed. "I couldn't take any more. I may have deserved it but it still hurts." I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples.

"Are you going out with Gary?" he asked.

"No," I said softly.

"Why did you kiss him?"

I opened my eyes and looked at him. "Because I saw you standing with your arm around a girl and I just assumed it was your girlfriend. I was gutted, and I kissed Gary to make you think I was fine with it."

"You were the one who ended it," he pointed out.

"Yes, and I told you the reasons why," I said. "It had nothing to do with you, it was because of me."

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