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I met himmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I couldn't even slept last night

"Baekhyun, you look horrible" Analyn says

"Don't tell him.. he's been giggling since he came back from Mongryong walk last evening" Jun says

"He talked to me" I say

"Really?! Wow Byun Baekhyun, you have become a pro right now" Analyn says

"I can sense a big crying ceremony coming up" Jun says

"Ya ya... you are to cruel... I don't knowwww, I'm sleep right now"

We three are in a lecture. After this class, I will run to the 3rd year tutorial class 12 and give sunbae his favourite ice-americano.

Because that's his Marketing tutorial time. Hehe. I kinda analyst his timetable too.
Well, I think I'm a pro at it😎.

Plus I have to make sure, I'm not intentionally doing too.

"Cover me a bit.. I will take a short nap" I say

"Yeah yeah .. whatever" Jun sighs

"And wake me up 15 minutes before lecture ends"

"Yes sir" Analyn answers

I can't wait to see him. Hehee.
How should I act like it is a coincidence and give him coffee?

He was too handsome... I wanna keep staring at him
Ah... I want him to be mine.


"Baekhyun... baekhyun..wake up" Analyn wakes me up

"Hmm... woah!" I quickly look at my watch and huuuuu... 15 minutes before my lecture ends

"Thank you Ana" I say

"You will faint soon" Jun says

"Still worths it" I shrugs

"Okay! So everyone, class will be dismissed now. Don't forget to pre-scan the next lecture notes" our professor says

"Bye guys" I say as I grab my bag and run out of the lecture hall
Then straight to our campus café to buy ice americano.

I bought 2. Even tho i don't like bitter drinks, I just have to pretend like I do.

And after buying I go and wait in front of 3rd year tutorial building...

"Act as a coincidence..... act as a coincidence huhhhhh..." I mumble

I wait for awhile seeing seniors going into the building.

"Hmm.... Please come quickly sunbae" I mumble again

Ah.... There he is. Hehe... I'm glad he is alone. And he didn't buy coffee yet.

Let's pretend as if I'm looking at my phone. Please notice me sunbae... pleaseeeeeee

"Oh, you!" He stops right in front of me and ...

"Ah! Sunbae!!" I act 🌝

"What are you doing here? You have friend in 3rd year?"

"Yeah, I was waiting but my friend just texted me he won't make it to class today. Haha" Whoosh, that was smooth

"Haha, he probably had a crazy night."

"Definitely. Ah, and sunbae, you like ice-americano?" I ask

"Yes, my favourite"

"Here then. I bought it for my friend but..."

"I will gratefully accept it. Thank you Baekhyun ya"

Oh My, Senior (ChanBaek) Where stories live. Discover now