Oh My, Senior!

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"I... found the love of my life!!"

"Aish! Byun Baekhyun!! You scared me to death!" My friend, Analyn shouts

"Baekhyun ya... this is exam period so can you stop with those crushes?" My another friend, Ho Jun says

"No no!!!! This time is realllllll... he's really my destiny🥺"

"This will be his 3rd love of his life in this year" Analyn says

" *tch* you guys don't believe huh! Wait and see duh. I will have lover soon"

"Yea yeah... please do.. and please stop third-wheeling us" Jun says

"Ya! You hurt my feelings!!!" I shout

"Let's go to lecture hall now" Analyn says

"Let's go to lecture hall now" Analyn says

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We are 1st year college students.
Jun and me are were friends since we were little and we were friends-next-door since we lived next to each other haha..

Right now, both me and Jun left our parents houses and now we rent an apartment together and live.

Analyn is Filipino- Korean girl and we became friends in our highschool tuitions classes.

And, Jun and Analyn started dating at the start of our college year.
I'm happy for both of them.
For me?
I'm still eagerly finding the love of my life.
I have quite a few crushes since high school but you know... my interest in them dies as time passes 🤷🏼‍♀️
Because not everyone likes me back.. because my crushes are .. boys.

Well, I'm not that bad looking so there are other boys who asked me out.
But you know, I can't like them back if they are not my crush 🤷🏼‍♀️

I have high standards you know😌

And if my crush gets a girlfriend, I would cry for 2 nights and get over that person again 🤷🏼‍♀️

But you knowwww
This time, the person I'm having a crush on is a verrrryyyyy handsome and tall and angelic eyes and deep voice and warm smileeeeee

"So Baekhyun ya, your newest crush. When did you meet him?" Analyn asks

"Yess yesss.. you know.. I was taking  Mongryong for evening walk last week and I met that my handsome hero walking his cute puppyyyyyy"

"Who's cuter than Mongryong?" Analyn frowns

"It's because his crush's dog" Jun says as he shrugs

"I mean.. duh. Dogs are cute okay? Anyway.. I met him at the park that I usually take Mongryong for a walk so I knew he's living near our neighbours. And guess what???!!!!!!!!!! He's in the same building with ussssssss"

"He stalked" Jun says and shrugs again

"And and... you know what Analyn... he's also from our college!!!!!"

Oh My, Senior (ChanBaek) Where stories live. Discover now