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"Sunbae.. do you have full day classes?"

We are now heading to our college since new semester has reopened
And, for morning, I guess we will be going together from now on?

"I haven't checked my schedule yet. Why?"

"Nothing... if you finish early, you can just go back first"

"Yeah. Or may be I will have party tonight. If Dongwu asks me to join. Just go back home early and text me if you arrive back. And order whatever you want to eat."

Right... his friend, Dongwu.

"May be I will eat dinner with.... Ana and Jun" I wonder when did I get this nervous to ask permission from him?

"*sigh* Baekhyun ya... don't make me worry"

"No.. I won't... it will be around home and college... and I won't be late"

"Text me then"


"And, I won't be able to talk with you a lot while we both are on campus. You know. My friends and others."

As expected..... he's going to be a complete stranger at school

"Sure.. i understand"

"Good. I will text you. Don't leave me alone"!

Who's leaving who alone?

"Nae sunbae"

Well, this is a chance for me to spend time with Ana and Junnnnnm... I miss them soooo much.
Aww, right. Kris!

I wonder if he's back from Beijing?
Why didn't he text me during these days?

Sunbae parks his car and "So, see you sunbae" I say and get out of his car before him
Well, we have to go separately.

I quickly text Jun as soon as I walk into the campus
And he said they are in canteen

As usualllll, heheee Yayyyyy
I wanna go and eat the Army Stew together with themmmmmm
Omg my mouth watering alreadyyyyy

I rush towards the canteen and found them


"Aigoooo my Baekhyuneeee" Ana stands up and hugs me

"I missed you"

"I missed you more ... wow.. gives me some tips on your weight loss and diet huh" she says

"Diet my ass. He is being just mentally abused" Jun says

"Jun! We agreed not to bring that up" Ana says

Woah woah.... Why do they look so snappy with each other?

"Hey hey.... Stop quarrelling already.. so how many class do we have on our first day?" I ask

"Keke actually just... twooooooo" Ana screams in excitement

"Heheeheeeee!!! Let's go eat something afterwards."

"How about.... We go to amusement park today? Since it's Monday weekday, we will get student discount!!!!!" Ana says

"Ana.. are you a kid?" Jun asks

"Let's gooooooo" I say

"Yayyyyyyyyy" Ana also shouts

————————Chanyeol's POV——————

I text him my timetable for this semester.
I want to be with him the whole day but... I don't think I can whole on campus because of these shitty friends

Oh My, Senior (ChanBaek) Where stories live. Discover now