
347 36 19

Why is he being so quiet?
And he's not even looking to my side.
What did I do wrong?
He's acting like a girl again.
It happens every time after he spent time with his friends.

"Sir, we are here. Do I need to pick you up tomorrow for school?" Uncle says

"No need uncle. I will let you know"

"Yes sir, have a good night" uncle says and left the car

Baekhyun too, he leaves the car without saying anything to me.
So, I had to quickly follow him.

Everything makes me sober up.
What's the point of drinking really?

And as soon as we enter our house... I push him to against the wall

"Why are not talking to me?"

"It's ... just I'm quite tired today sunbae"

"Don't you miss me today?" I say and lean in to kiss him but, he turns his head away

"I.... I said I'm tired today sunbae.... Let's not."

"It's just a kiss.."

"No... I want to shower quick and sleep. I have early class unlike you sunbae"

"Let's shower together then"

"Sunbae... I'm not in the mood"

"What?! What's wrong with you? Why are you acting like a bitch?"

He looks up me with those empty eyes... and he grabs my hand and .... "at least make me not see this, even tho I'm your secret lover, it still hurts sunbae" he says referring to a scrunchie on my wrist.

What the fuck... who... ah.... That girl

After he says that and he quickly go upstairs and straight to bathroom.
This small scrunchie can make him act that snappy like a girl?
For god sake.

I follow him and try to open the bathroom door but..... he locked it?!!!!
When.... Huh?! This is my house!

Urghhhhhhh!!  My patience is running Low


I wait for him on bed and he comes out of shower
Still not making eye contact huh?

"That hair tie... it is from a friend of mine.. she just put it on my hand.. I didn't even notice that"


"Byun Baekhyun!"

"Sunbae.. I will sleep first" he says and lie down in bed beside me

I think I'm not use to him acting cold to me... I don't know what to do.
I lie down beside him and hug him from the back

"Hey.... I missed you... the whole day. Don't you miss me?" I ask as I kiss back of his neck

He covers his neck with his small hand and "Sunbae... if you keep doing this, I will go back and sleep at my house"

What... what did he just say?
He really is testing my patience

I get on top of him and grab my phone

"Sunbae... what are you doing?"

I get onto the partying group chat and "Here... uou see the girl in this photo? She had that hair tie.. okay?" I say and get into Instagram
"Here...she is with her boyfriend. We are just friends from the party. And she just randomly put on my hand and I didn't even really notice.. I was too focused on calling you and texting you. Okay? Stop getting mad ... I don't know what to do when you are cold to me"

Oh My, Senior (ChanBaek) Where stories live. Discover now