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"Sir, we are closed now" the staff says as I arrive at the bar I was texted to.

"I'm here to pick someone up"

"May I know who? Oh... is that.."

"Moon Beom"

"Are you perhaps Park Chanyeol nim?"

"Yes I'm"

"Nae ... please follow me" the staff says as he leads to me VIP lounge

Dongwu used to come to this bar a lot.
Well, I used to too.
I'm just past the point that I don't want to play around anymore

"Actually, someone Master Moon's came and escorted him but, he insisted that he will only go back if someone name Park chanyeol"

"I see. I will take him home now"

"Nae" he says and opens the private lounge room and I see Moom Beom

*sigh out loud*

Why am I even here?
And keep involving with this kid.

"Hey.. come, get up now. Let's go back"

"Don't!!!!" He shouts "don't touch me!"

Is he still drunk?

"I'm here... the Park Chanyeol 🙄"

"Hmm.... Sunbae?"

"Yeah.. I'm here"

"Sunbaeeeee" he groans as he puts his arms around my neck


"Tell me.... Tell me why..... why my mom had to leave? Why... because she.... She came from... normal and poor family? .... *sob* .... Why does he.... He has to hide my mom? .... Why? ..... just.... Why... *start crying*"

"Hmm? What are you saying? What do you mean he hides your mom?"

"S....sunbae.... My father.. is that... great and... Grand president of ...our country..."

"Yeah yeah... I'm aware of that"

"And.... And my ... my poor and pitiful mom..... my real... real mom.... Is just.... A normal... middle class employee who works in normal paid work..."

"Your real mom?"

"Hehe... yeah.... No one knows right? The woman that appears beside my father! is not my real mother.... She's just someone..... someone my dad got married again because... she came from fucking rich family..."


"Sunbae.... What's wrong... with having someone.... Who is not rich... as a wife? Why is my father so ashamed of my mom? Why mom had to leave? Why?! Why?!!!!! *starts crying* why sunbae? Why my poor mom.... Why my mom..... had to leave me..."

I can't say any more words but.....
Pull him into my arms and hug him tight....

No..... that can't happen to this kid....
It...it's.... That pain is..... too much to carry....
He is too young.... Too young for this.

What he is going through at his young age...
Is exactly the same as what I went through at that age.

I know...
I know that pain too well that any other.
The burden...
The void....

"*hiccup* s..sunbae?"

"Can you walk?"

"I'm.. dizzy"

"Get on my back. I will carry you"

He just nods and I carry him on my back

"Sunbae....what should I do? What.... What should I do with my poor mom?"

"You are thinking too much right now.... Just... sleep for awhile"

"Imm.... Thank you.... For coming" he says

"Oh and... your house?" I ask but.... I think he falls asleep right away

*sigh* can't help but to take him to my house huh?
Is Baekhyun still at my house?
He must have left right?
His boyfriend and best friend are going to search him anyway so yeah.....

I couldn't even say proper bye to him this morning.
And.... I'm really guilty for last night too...
He's someone with a lover.
I made him cheat on his partner.

I should.... I should control and draw a certain line again....

—————————Baekhyun's POV——————-

Why is sunbae taking so long?
I wonder if the pick up place is far or... that kid's house is far?

Should I make some breakfast for us?
"Let's see what he got in the fridge?" I say to myself and go check his fridge

"Hmm... egg.... Bread on counter... bacon.... Some beans...hmm.... Let's just fried eggs and bacons... simple is best right?"

I start getting pan heated and prepare

Earlier I quickly checked my phone and as usual... a lot of missed calls from Kris and Jun .. and some text from Ana ...
Ana said Jun was about to go to police station and open the missing person case.
I really don't like that side of Jun.
He's just... too much.

Kris .... He really .... Seems to be worried too.
So I replied 3 of them that I'm well and alive.
I want to spend more times with sunbae.
Even tho I know that, what I'm doing is..... hurting Kris.

"Ah my bacon!" Aigoo... thanks god it is nearly to get burnt

I see Sunbae's car comes in and I quickly close the stove and run out


W....why is....
Why.... Moon Beom....

Why are you carrying him like that sunbae?

"Baekhyun ya?"

Seeing him... carrying that kid... like that.... In his arms.....


"Aw... sunbae... why.... I mean... Is he okay?"

"Imm... he seems to be fallen asleep so can't help but to take him home. I don't know his address either."

"Ah.... I see...."

"And... why are you still here?"


Why would I?
I'm here waiting for you...
To spend more time together...

"I was about to go back"

"Is that so? Your friends must be worried by now.. and I will just talk to your boyfriend by myself so... don't worry. It was my mistake. Such thing... won't happen again" he says

You saying while carrying another boy in your arms...
Seems like you holding him softly and dearly....
Hurts me.... Like hell.

"It's... okay..." I say ...
How can you say... it is just a mistake...

We both know... it was our feelings...

"Take care on your way back" he says and he goes into his house carrying Moon Beom.

Is he the reason you are refraining yourself?
Are you perhaps ... starting to have weak spot for him?

How can you..... how can you.......

*phone buzzing*

Caller ID - Boyfriendo 🤎

B - a...aww

K - hey... where are you? I was worried.... Why didn't you answer the calls? You promised you will at least leave me a message.. where were you?

B - Kris?

K - imm Babe..should I come and pick you up now?

B - I.... I slept with Chanyeol sunbae

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Here's an update for today
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