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I... am left with his birthday present in my hand... and standing blankly.

'And.... Happy Birthday, Baekhyun ya.. and.... I love you' - Sunbae

He..... he looks sad.....

"Sunbae..." I mumble and quickly follow him out

"Hey! Birthday boy!" My seniors from our table calls me but...
I only look for him and he's not there.

Did he go back?

I run out of pub and .... I see his car drives away.

"Baek!" Kris run towards me ... I think he was talking on his phone outside of pub

"Ah.... Kris... done with your call?"

"Yeah.. what are you doing out here? I saw you running out"

"I..... nothing......."

"What's in your hand?"

"Ah... present.... Let's...let's go back in..."



"Will you.... Will you follow to my house after this party?"

"Aigoo... you prepared something for me again?"

"Haha... am I easy to guess?"


"So... what's your answer?"


"Okay.. let's go back in"

I can't ... concentrate anymlre.
Sunbae... why does he look like that?
He.... Really lost weight.

*touching necklace put in the coat pocket*

And why did he give this.... Expensive present?

'I bought that bracelet for you... the day after you said you wanted it.. at that mall...
I bought it....but I couldn't give it to you because the day I was going to give you....
You were already wearing it... you said he gave you.
I.... I am always late.' - Chanyeol sunbae

Sunbae... you are not late this time.
And are you even eating well?
Why does he look so thin?

"Baek.." kris holds my hand under the table

Yeah... why am I thinking about sunbae?
We are long finished.


I follow to Kris's house after party.
I can't shake all my thoughts about sunbae.
Did he get home okay?
Was he with his driver?
He didn't end up sleeping in car because he's drunk is he?
All sort of things...

"Baek... come in" kris says


And I follow him into his house... he leads me to a room and.... When he opens the door...

I ... completely gasp.

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