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Today, since my classes are over, I am going to meet sunbae.
This is because, he texted me that, he has something to give me back.

Whatever it is... I think it's time for the decision.
It's.... also his decision too.

After seeing Kris's face..... I am very much regretted about what I did....
I have no rights to treat him like that.
I should come up with clear decision for all of us.
Like where we all are supposed to be.

"Byun baekhyun!!"

I flinch a little while walking with my own thoughts.
Ah..... Jun... again.

"Byun baekhyun... you don't know how to pick up your phone for what? Where were you for 2 days? Why aren't you replying your texts?" Jun asks

"Where is Ana?"

"I'm asking you questions!"

"I'm safe and sound. Isn't this enough? You are not even my guardian"

"Byun baekhyun!"

"Do you still have feelings for me more than friend?"

"B..... Baekhyun ya...."

"You should stop now.... You know....it's been years that you confessed your feelings making everything awkward. And don't you pity your girlfriend a bit?"

"Can you even stop loving Park Chanyeol?"


"It's that same for me too. How can someone can stop caring and fancying the love one easily? Can you? You can't right? I can't too. I'm not showing my feelings to make things awkward for you and our friendship too.

Because I'm always fine living as a friend for you. That how i always living.

So let me.... Let me worry about you...."

"You should have never confessed your feelings .... That already destroyed our lifelong friendship" I say and leave him alone.

It has been.... 3 years.... 3 years that he said he likes me...
Which made everything weird between us.
And I started to keep distance with him... spent most of my times at Kris's place...

Me knowing only won't make things worse but....
Ana.... Ana was there too... when Jun confessed.

That almost made everything break.
Like their relationship, our friendship.....

*sigh* well........

Now it's about time to meet sunbae.
I'm nervous and all.
But things... must be sort out.
Loud and clear.

And I believe sunbae will feel the same too.
He asked me to come to a restaurant near our college.
And when I arrive, sunbae is already here.

"Sorry sunbae ....I am a bit late" I say

"No.... I just arrived too. So, what do you want to eat?"

"Sunbae... just coffee is fine"

He flashes a smile and says "Sure. Coffee will be okay"

We order our coffees and... sits awkwardly across each other.
This awkward is heavier .... Than usual.

"Ah.... This" he says and hands me my student card "you left this"

"Right... ha ha *laugh awkwardly* I don't even realise that till now. Thank you sunbae"

"No worries.... And ... Baekhyun ya... did you get back home safe yesterday?"

"Imm... I did...."

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