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"Tell me.... Baekhyun ya.... How did we meet last night?" I ask carefully

Baekhyun seems to be hesitant and... he is avoiding eye contact.
His hands are fidgeting.

"Baekhyun ya?"

"I.... I'm sorry... sunbae.... It was a coincidence. But..... I was there..."

"There? You mean at bar?"

".......No..... the hotel lobby lounge..... I was there..."


"I didn't mean to eavesdrop..... I'm sorry sunbae...I.."

"So.... You are here because you pity me huh? After hearing about my trashy life..."

"No sunbae....  It's not only be....."

"Leave" I say as I get out of my bed and head out to living room

"Sunbae!" Baekhyun follows me out "Sunbae listen to me....."

I grab his bag and give it to him "Now leave... you are not supposed to be here..."

"I broke up!"


"I.... Broke up with Kris just this morning...."

"What? Why..... Byun Baekhyun...."

"Why aren't you happy? Do you think it's also a easy decision for me?!"

"How am I supposed to be happy, baekhyun ya.... This is not because you still love me but just you pity me after hearing all those shits"

"No! I..... sunbae.... It's always me who love more... between you and me. It is always me"

"But you chose someone else... while I!..... *sigh* it's no use telling those right now... you don't love me. Don't delude yourself. Just get back to kris"

"Don't insult my choice" Baekhyun says firmly as he steps towards me "I have never been this sure in my life. That I love you. That I have always love you... that it was always been you"

I'm.... Loved?
Even after... he heard those?
Even after he actually suffered from my possessiveness?

Or will he still ran away after a few months?

"What if you ran away from me again? What do I do that time? How do .... How do I manage to live on at that time?

I barely am living till now without you...
What if you leave me again?" I say and turn away from him

"I... I am not leaving .... Not again.... Not ever... you are the one that I love, sunbae" Baekhyun says and hugs me from the back

 you are the one that I love, sunbae" Baekhyun says and hugs me from the back

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"Baekhyun ya.... I......" my eyes widen when I see... Beom coming in... "Beom ya..."

Baekhyun removes his arms around my body as he breaks the hug

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