
455 37 20

What the fuck?
Is he already wigging his tail to another guy huh?
How fast.

I see him giving coffee to that another guy.

But I haven't seen that guy before.
New student?

I am standing quite far from them and looking at them.
Someone bump onto my shoulder and walk passes me

Aish... there are many spaces... wait..

"Hey" I call him


"You are Byun Baekhyun's friend right?" That roommate guy


This guy really gets on my nerves

"Give me Byun Baekhyun's contact number"

"Why would I?"

"Because he's indebted to me"

"Then ask him, will you?" He says and leaves

What's with that attitude you son of a bitch!
All those related to Byun Baekhyun are just.... Shits


With all angers, I finally get to my lecture room

"Wow, still alive" Dongwu says

"Yeah.. fucking alive. Where is Sangjae?"

"You still don't know?"

"Know what?"

"He got expelled from this college."

"What the fuck?"

"Yeah... that fucker... he sexually abused a girl from final year right on the campus and he even used drugs that day"

"Eh... no words for him"

"Yep. So bye for him. His parents will send him abroad"

"Good for him that he doesn't end up in jail"

"Money anyway" Dongwu shrugs "and what's with Nari and you?"

"Done. Don't ask anymore"

"Haha yeah... fuck that bitch. Let's go to club tonight"

"Yeah let's go" I say "and... do you perhaps know what is Byun Baekhyun's Instagram account?"

"Whaaaatttt?? Dude.."

"Ya... stop making fun of me. I just can't stand the way he is treating me... he's ignoring me after all he did to me"

"Pffts.... What a funny guy you are" Dongwu says "hmmm... his name is Byun Baekhyun huh... I followed him the other day and.... Oh... here"

Dongwu shows me the account

"Thanks ... and let's go to club tonight. I need to have some fun"

"Yeah... we just don't fit with serious relationship. Have loads of fun"

"Yeah I will"

I look at his account on my phone
Why this fucker has a lot of followers and likes?
Oh, he is still following me huh?
I never knew haha and I haven't followed him back

I should send him text

'Oh this is your account? Haha, I just saw it. You still follow me huh?'

Now... send
Haha.. he must be over the cloud to see my message

"Ya.. which club shall we go today?" Dongwu asks

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