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"Why do you even come here?" That girl asks me as we get into the elevator

It's... his ex right?

"I... I have something to apologise to sunbae.. I mean... Chanyeol sunbae"

"Well, what they did to you is probably worse than what you did to him. Don't apologise to him. And don't get involve with people like them. They may have Prince-like visuals but trust me, they have worst personalities. Silver spoons with bad personalities are worse kind of people." She says

Aren't you also a silver-spoon too?
But you are a nice person.

"I have seen you in photo . I saw at sunbae's house"

"So, is he the one you are interested in?"

"I was. Not anymore" I say

"Great. Go fine a good guy. I'm sure there are a lot of good and genuine guys out there who would accept you for who you are." She says

The elevator door opens and we both get out of it

"Why are you talking bad things about them? Aren't you close with them?" I ask ... Oops.. did I cross the line?

"Well, I was. But I'm trying to stay away from them from now on. They are not good people somehow. Especially those friends of chanyeol oppa."

"Ah ... Nae"

"My car is here. You want me to drop you at nearest bus stop or send you home? ?" She offers ... wow... she's really kind and cool

"No. It's okay. I will just take taxi from here"

"Okay then. Mind my words. Don't be embarrassed about who you are. And good luck, pretty boy" she says as she gets into the car and leaves

Pretty boy?
Well, she is really kind. Unexpectedly

*sigh* I actually came here to apologise but... just got humiliated huh

"Ya" Sunbae walks towards me

"Nae sunbae" he looks furious ... probably angry because of his ex girlfriend

"Why did you even come then? You know you will be humiliated like this. Why? Is that because you have those gay feelings to me huh?!"

So this is the real side of sunbae huh.
It's a waste. I really like his face tho.

"No sunbae. Actually I came here so that I could apologise you properly for that day"


I then bows my head down "I'm sincerely sorry for all inconvenience that I caused you. I will stay away from you and act like we never knew so you don't need to worry about me bothering you sunbae. From now on, there will be none of my gay feelings for you so please be in ease. I'm sorry again. So, please excuse me"

Thanks god the taxi came in at right time so I get into it and leaves

*sigh* what a tiring day

I wonder if Jun is worried sick at home.
Nagging ... nagging are coming.

I guess my crush has finally come to end.
What a waste.
I liked him a lot. Like,  a lot.

————————Chanyeol's POV———————-


The curtains are opened and...

"Fuck offf!!!!" I shout as I cover my face with blanket

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