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"Baekhyun ya, can you serve brownie and cheese cake to that table?" Mom says

"Nae mom, I will do it"

Since this is semester break, I decided to came back to mom's home at Bucheon and to help her out with cafe.

But more importantly, she's going to be married next month. I mean, re-married.
And semester break is one month and I take 2 more weeks on leave.

Since they are not in their Young age, they decided to do small ceremony with a few relatives here in Bucheon.

Wel, it isn't the original tho. I didn't plan to come this early.... It was all... because ....

No no.... Let's not think anymore
The time I go back to Seoul, I will forget everything.

"Son, mom will go take out trash bags for awhile"

"No mom. I will do it." I say

"Thank you my son. Mom is happy to have you here again"

"Hehe. I'm happy to be with you too mom. I will be back quick" I say and take trash bags out of cafe to throw them

I carry them to bins outside .

*Phone Ringing*

Caller ID - Kris

B - Kris!

K - Baek, have you and your mom eaten lunch yet?

B - not yet. Are you coming now?

K - I'm about to arrive soon. I will buy something for you and your mom.

B - hmm... I think everything is fine. Buy whatever you want Kris.

K - okay. See you soon Baek

B - see you!!!

I end the call.
Haha.. he's fast.
I thought he would be coming later in evening.
He will have to wait until the shop time over.
I should go into shop again..

"Byun baekhyun!!!!"

I flinch by the voice.... How... how did he....
He stomps towards me and grabs me by my two shoulders

"Found you" he says and ...... what's with that face? As if he was desperately looking for me...

"S...sunbae.... How...."

Jun wouldn't tell him.... For sure.
How does he find me?
Ah, is that..... Analyn?
Urgh... I forgot to notice her not to tell anyone.

"Why? Why did you runaway?!"

"who.. who run away sunbae?"

"You! You... you run away from me"

"What? Does it matter to you?"

"It doesn't matter to you?!!! We spent... we spent a night! We were...... we enjoyed. Don't you too?! And you like me..."

"I was your one-night stand and so you were to me. What's the point of saying run away?"

"What? Who says? Did I say that you were my one nightstand?"

"So sunbae...  do you like me?"


"Do you... like me?"

"Baekhyun ya... that is...... do we need to? I mean... we enjoyed having sex with each other. I really felt something that I couldn't with any girls... isn't that enough?"

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