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Ugh.... I know professor keep looking at my way...
And people are chatting while glancing to my side

I know I knowwwwwww

It's because ....

Mr. Park Chanyeol is sitting beside with that gorgeous face of himmmmmmmmmmmmm

Everyone knows him and every lecturer knows him and that he already graduated

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Everyone knows him and every lecturer knows him and that he already graduated.
Even Tho I'm sitting in the last and uppermost roll... he is just standing out sooooo muchhhhhh

My boyfriend literally just existing beside me and... every girls in the class keeps taking glances at him.

Sorry ladies... this is my man😌

"You are Park chanyeol right?" Finallyyyyy lecturer calls him out

"Ah... Nae Prof." Sunbae says

"Your face really is unforgettable indeed. You are already graduated right? What brings you here to the school today?" Lecturer asks

"I think I will be at school more often now Prof." Sunbae says and grabs my hand and raise "I'm accompanying my boyfriend"


"W..what... sunbaeeee...." I scream internally

"Wow... what a lovely and lively couple we have here. Enjoy then. Byun baekhyun ssi, focus on the lecture too" Professor jokes

"Ah... n...nae...." I say

"Sunbae!" I whisper to him and he moves his head closer to me

"Yes my prince?"

Ackkkkk..... when did I become his prince?
And was sunbae always this........ flirtatious and chummy?

"Why ... why did you say that out loud?"

"Why? Don't tell me you want to hide our relationship?"

"What? No!" I whisper


"I mean...."

He then gives me a quick kiss on my cheek

"Just study. Let's go have lunch after this. I am quite hungry today." He says and stares back to his phone

What..... what was that kissssssssss?????
We are literally in the lecture and.... Urghhhhhhh

Ah wait.... I don't see Ana and Jun today.
I called Jun last night but, I haven't had from Ana since long.

Is she okay?

It has been like, 2 weeks? Since me and sunbae started going out.
And yeah, I moved out of Kris's place and move in to Sunbae's.

I am still in a good contact with Kris. And he is starting to really focus on his start-up company.
I wonder what will I have to do after graduation.
Since only a year left to .

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