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"Urghhh bet Tuesday will be the worst day for this semester" Ana groans as we suffered through 3 consecutive classes since morning

"Yeahhhhhh feel like dyingggg" I say ... this is breaktime and we are finally get to sit and have our lunch

"Baekhyun, do you already have print outs for next class? Have you read email from lecturer?" Jun asks

"What? Nooooooo...." I groan😩

"Okay, I will go and make a copy for you. Ana has one right?"


"Okay. I will be back. Just order ramen for me"

"Okay I will" I say

After Jun left.... "Baekhyun ya... last night.... Did you two fight? Chanyeol sunbae looked really mad" Ana asks

"No... we didn't ... he said he was just worried"

"And... how did he know ? That you were there? Did you tell him?"

Right.... I haven't ask him about that yet.

"No... I texted him in the evening" I just... lied to Ana

"Ah... I see. Actually Jun was mad last night... both at me for dragging him out and at Chanyeol sunbae as always"

"Jun is *sigh* he is very overprotective"

"When it comes to you"

"No.. he cares a lot for you too Ana.. he's just..."

"Baekhyun ya... I know... that he's being good to me even from the start because you told him to. I know Jun so well. He's just not capable of taking care or loving others except for his parents and you."

"He changed a lot.. I know it"

"Yeah.. he is changing and that's what a hope for me"

I feel quite bad. After hearing that.... Ana knows about Jun.

"Baekhyun ssi!"

"Oh!! Kim .....Iseul ssi?"

"Omo omo.... You remember me?!"

Well, we just met this morning so "yeah of course"

And she keeps looking at Ana and Ana looks clueless too

"Iseul ssi, this is my best friend Analyn and Ana ... she's a fresher, Kim Iseul" I introduce them

"Nice to meet you Iseul ssi. You are so cuteeee" Ana says

Well, Ana is best in socialising

"Baekhyun, here" Jun comes back and hands me a printout

"Thank you... and Iseul ssi, this is my another friend, Jun and jun, she's Kim Iseul, and she's a fresher"

"Nice to meet you" Jun says

"Nae! Nice to meet you all."

"Iseul ssi, have you had lunch yet?" I ask

"Yes. Sadly. I was going to join you all but, I had to eat quick because my next class is starting soon." She says

Wow... she's very bubbly. She's almost like Ana .

"Let's all have lunch or dinner together next day" I say

"Really?!!! I would love to. And... I can text you right? Baekhyun ssi?" She asks

I can see Ana's eyes widen in surprise and Jun's usual glare at her

"Of course. Feel free to anytime" I say

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