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All the doubts and confusions I had all over one and a half years... just solve in  few minutes.

That he didn't wait for me.
He really.... Chose him over me.

Meeting them here in Bali, was never my intention.
Dongwu has been bugging me to travel with him so we decided to meet in Bali before I fly back to Seoul.

This is very strange fate.

Even tho he is not the only reason that I decided to come back to Korea... but still...


No. I don't hate him.
I was not perfect for him too that I wasn't able to be beside him in those time when he needed me most.

But I was hopeful...
If he is not with anyone till now, I would still try to win his heart. Give him all I got and treat him best. That I can finally beside him now.

But right now, it is the best I stop all those feelings for him.
Byun Baekhyun is someone who always seeking love and care so, I bet that Kris guy treating him best.

The moment I found out today.... Byun Baekhyun stops being in my heart.
Because if you really love someone, you will have to let them go and support for their happiness.

That's what I am going to do.

———————3 years ago—————

He didn't even contact me after leaving me last night.
What was with the hickey?
It was from Kris... no doubt.
And to return the gift I gave you... huh?

You came into my life changing me in every aspects you can and left me without giving any chances.

How can someone be this fickle?

"Sir... it is time to go" my uncle says

"Yeah sure... and please take care of Jjareu"

"Don't worry. I will personally bring him to Italy in 3 weeks"

"Sure.... And... *sigh* nothing. Let's go" I say and we head to airport.

Well, even if he can stay without texting me... I couldn't so, I sent him a text last night.
That I will be leaving today with 11am flight.

I am still..... *remember about hickey*
I was a complete jerk for him but still.... It really is painful.

He might also felt like this all these time.
I just want to hold him for one last time.
And my present ring that he gave me back yesterday.... Did he even try this on?
Does this fit him?

"Rest a little more sir, you will have to go on a long flight" uncle says as we get into the car


I want to see him for one last time.. it is too much to ask?

Felt like it was a long ride even to airport.. ugh... I couldn't sleep last night so it is a big...tiring.

Uncle is doing luggages check in and I'm just waiting and have a seat for awhile.

I see couples hugging and tearing up because one of their love ones are leaving.

And if I was good to Baekhyun from the starts.... He is going to be with me here too.
I have that ring in my pocket right now that I'm holding it like it is his hand.
I miss him...
I miss you, baekhyun ya..

"Sir, here is your passport and pass. You can go to private lounge now" uncle says

"O..Kay.... Thank you for everything uncle. And see you again in three we....."

Oh My, Senior (ChanBaek) Where stories live. Discover now