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"Sir.... Are you sick?"

"Let me be" I groan

"You haven't gone to college or left the house for a week... or bed sir. And, you haven't eaten but just drinking"

"I'm aware that.... Uncle......"

"Yes sir?"

"Have you ever lose someone? Or... that you like them but you .... Only realise after you lost them?"

"Did something happen sir? Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Haha... it's not like you can bring him back to me..."

"Sir, I can't extend the school absence for you anymore. I think you should go to school today"

"I'm quitting.... Should I?"


"Yeah yeah... I'm getting up now.. uncle, you nag me more than my father"

"And... sir...."


"That boy.... They moved out two days ago"

Does .... That even necessary?
What have I done?

The day I came back from hospital after talking with Baekhyun.... That evening, his mother came and talked with me


"Eomeoni!"  I am really surprised to see her here... I mean..... I think I'm really....In trouble.

"Can I have a moment with you?" She asks

"Nae... come in Eomeoni..." I say and let her inside my house

I ask her to sit on couch while I go get some coffee for her.
All I'm feeling is.... I'm scared.

The reason of her coming to me is obvious .... She knows what I did to Baekhyun

"Eomeoni... here... have some coffee" I say and give her a coffee cup

"Thank you..."


"I bet you already know why I'm here. Am I right?"!


"Me and Baekhyun really had a bad... memories with violence...."

"I know.. Eomeoni"

"And I trusted you that.... You won't be that kind of person..."

"Eomeoni... i swear it was an accide...."

"Accident... Ana told me. But, I just want my son, to be away from any kind of violent person. Either intentionally or accidentally..."

"I... I'm sorry..."

"I heard a lot from Jun. Almost everything. That My Baekhyunee had a crush on you... and how you were homophobic."

"That's true but Eomeoni.... I now really like Baekhyun..."

"I thought you really were a good guy. And I liked you. But .... You may be a good guy but not for my Baekhyunee."

"No.... Eomeoni... I will be really good to him... it's just because this is my first time so...."

"You will be better off without him and my Baekhyunee deserves best man. So please, I hope you stop contacting him. Thank you for the coffee" she says and stands up

Oh My, Senior (ChanBaek) Where stories live. Discover now