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After giving him a present..... I really did hold back myself..... I wanted to hug and kiss him. Very bad.

So, I just quickly came out of pub and drove away.
He didn't even follow me out.
Well... who would follow a trash like me.

He seems really happy with that Kris guy.
And that guy ... seems to be treating Baekhyun well.

It is quite funny to found myself useless after all.

Were you happy... all those times when you were with me?

I want to ask him that.
And .... At least..... I want him to answer yes..

*Phone Ringing*

Caller ID - Dongwu

C - aww?

D - where are you?

C - in car

D - then drive to here. I'm still at bar.

C - so?

D - come hereeeee it's very early to go back home

C - ......... okay... coming

<End Call>

I should get drunk everyday and absent school so that school will kick me out Soon.
I don't think I can face him ever again.
Then, I can move to another country and start studying again.

Or go back to Italy?
I don't feel like living with them yet....
Where should I move to?

"Chanyeol! Here!!" Dongwu calls me out as soon as I walk into the bar

Well, he wasn't lying this time.
He is alone and not using drug I guess.

"See.. I don't have girls or drug today"

"Yeah yeah whatever."

"Make him same as mine" he orders the bartender

"So... why are you you always look like you are out of the world these days?" Dongwu asks

"I'm out of the world ... mentally"

"Why? Your parents?"


"Thennn??? Did you secretly get a girlfriend without telling me?"

I wonder what will Dongwu reacts if I tell him that I'm into Baekhyun... and that I'm very.... Very broken down because he left me

"You know Byun Baekhyun right?"

"Yeah.. that gay prick"

"He left me"

"Huh? What do you mean he left you? That he stopped following you around?"!

"No.... We dated...but he left me now..."

"D...dated? Ya... your jokes are going too far.... How come Park Chanyeol dated a guy ?"

"Yeah Dongwu! I... park chanyeol... is now heartbroken because he left me. Okay?! I like him... no.... I think I love him"

"H...haha.... Are you drunk? You would be really embarrassed if you hear these tomorrow"

"I'm serious. We dated for a few weeks.... And I still... I still want him.... I feel so fucked up..."


"You don't need to understand me.. or accept me... you can look down on me to tell everyone now that I don't fucking care. I am not even gay but I fucking need him and .... I need him by my side...."

Oh My, Senior (ChanBaek) Where stories live. Discover now