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"Baekhyun!" Ana snaps me out of my thoughts


"What's wrong? This ain't like you" she says

"His crush didn't show up at Mongryong walking time. Been 3 days." Jun says

"At school too.... I feel like he's been avoiding even to meet with my eyes" i say

"Umm.... Suddenly?" Analyn says

"Imm... suddenly *sigh* I wonder if he okay?"

"Ya.. worry about yourself will you?" Jun says

"Aish! I will"

Well, I'm not feeling good for past 3 days...
Is he busy?
Or .... Is he and his ex girlfriend get back together?
Or is Jjareu sick?

Or is he sick??

Urghhhhhhh I wanna see himmmm
I wanna talk to him... duhhhhhhh

Hopefully.... Hopefully he might come to evening walk...



Well, I'm just gonna check for awhile..
I'm not even bringing Mongryong and head to the park

May be I can just look at him from afar if he's in the park.
May be he's just avoiding me because I was being bothersome

I will just..... just from the far .....

"Achooo! It's quite chilly today" I say to myself

"Baekhyun ya"

I quickly turn around and... it's himmmmmmmmmmm


"Mongryong isn't here today?"

"Ah... that's...... he's not feeling quite well so...."

"I see."

"Hello Jjareu.. long time no see" I pat Jjareu's head

"It has been awhile right? Shall we sit somewhere and talk?" Sunbae asks

"Imm.. sure, sunbae!"

We go and sit at the near bench to talk

"Sunbae.. are you feeling unwell these days?" I ask  "because you didn't walk Jjareu these days"

"Ah... these days I'm quite busy during evenings. You know I mentioned about my ex girlfriend"


"She's back from abroad so.. i been following her around and helping her with this and that"

"I...I see. Seems like things are going on well between you two again"

"She said she will give me answer in a week"

"Ah... that's.... Nice... Good luck Sunbae"

"Thank you baekhyun ya... I know you are a very kind hoobae. And baekhyun ya..."


"I heard.... I mean... my friends told me that.... You are..... a homosexual"

"I..... Does that make you uncomfortable sunbae? To be around me?" I ask

I can clearly see that.... the reason why he's avoiding me and.... why is he bringing up about his ex girlfriend thing.

He's ... very uncomfortable being with me

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