Season 2 Starts Now!

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3 years Later


"Hmmm......" I groan as I wake up "What time.... Now.?"

"It's 9am. Flight is 11 so we better start prepare now" kris says

"Ah.... There will be a lot of juniors on the tripppp..." I say

"Well, I will be there too so don't worry...." He says and pulls me into a hug

"That's what I'm saying.... You have to follow because of me.. tho you are busy with your work"

"Not that busy for you" he says and kisses my forehead

"Okay... let's shower and get ready"

"You mean together?"!

"What? Hahaha.. perv!"

Kris started working last year after he graduated.
He started his own business even tho is just small enterprise company.
And... yeah... we started dating last year.

I am also final year student now and today our travelling club has a trip to Bali, Indonesia.
Our club unbelievably gained a lot of attention over years and a lot of freshers and juniors joined us.

So yeah... today trip is going to be with a lot of newbies. So, Kris is following and helping us and also our old club president too.

Well, Jun and Ana are not in this club so they won't be following us.
And since I get into a relationship with Kris.. I spend like 3 or 4 nights a week at Kris's house and others back at my house.

You know Kris and I have never fought during this one year of dating. He is just very patient and caring.
Well, what's more important then this?
He is proud to have me and hold my hand, kiss, hug me in public. And he's not embarrassed of being with me.
The whole college knows that we are couple.

And yeah... been a perfect year.
We are counting more. Hehe.

Well well, we don't have time for that.. let's hurry to airporttttt!!!!


The flight to Bali took over 7 hours.
I'm dyingggggggg

There are a lot of kids to handle .. and the mentors are only like 4 people... me, our old club president, new club president and Kris.
There are 20 kids so... uhhhh...

How can this be a relaxing trip?
And how can they all voted equally to Bali?
They must have planned huh😏

Half of the plane is full with us...
Haha... they are so cute too.

Thankfully, we arrived to hotel without any difficulties.

"Ahhhh.... My backkkkk" I say and lie down on our hotel room finally

"Should I give you back massage?" Kris says

"Eh... it's okay... you are tired too anyway"

"Come on... lie on your chest" he says and I flip and lie down

"My cute babe" he says and massages my back

"Ngh...Gosh.... It's so good...." I say

"Hey" he says and squeeze my butt... "did you just moan?"


"It's like our honeymoon night" kris says and lifts my shirt up and kisses my back


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