
464 41 16

"Junnnnieeeeee" I whine as I lay my head on Jim's lap

It's been nice to be back at home after some time.
I got on a trip and even when I'm back, I slept at Kris's place
And since it's a semester break.... I.....

"I don't need to hear from you" Jun says

Eww... he really looks scary

"Aish! Stop getting mad at Ana"

"I'm not mad at her"

"Then? Why are you two fighting over?"

"I tried my best Baekhyun. She's too needy and it's beyond what I can handle. So, I'm tired"

"Well, Mr. Ho Jun, she's a girl and your girlfriend. She too, sometimes needs more attention. I know you were too busy and focus with mid-terms. But you know..."

"I gave enough care every time and she's not even you. Why would I care her all the time?"

"Ho Jun!!"

"Baekhyun.... I can handle by myself."

"I don't understand you sometimes."

"Just mind your own mess Baekhyun. Stop sleeping at Kris's place."

"Kris...... confessed to me"


"Be more supportive ... will you?"

"If you like him, go ahead and date. He seems like a nice guy"

"He's .... Too nice"

"But think carefully. Just get to know him first"

"Says you. Just try to make up with Ana. She might be crying you know"

"Well, she's more tough than you so I doubt it"

"Stop being savage duh"

"Want me to peel some fruit for you?" Jun asks

"Nah... I'm full from dinner"

*Ph Ringing*

Called ID - Unknown Number

B - Hello?

Caller - is this Byun Baekhyun ssi's number?

B - yes? Who's this?

Caller - I'm Chanyeol's best friend. Know me? I'm Dongwu

B - Yes? Why are you calling at this time?

D - I bet you live in same residence as Chanyeol right?

B - yes? 

D - Can you help me with something?

B - what exactly?

D - Chanyeol is really a mess right now. He's super drunk and passed out. Plus he got into a fight so I think he broke his arm.

B - What?!!! Where.... Where is he?!

D - I will send you the address now ... come quick okay? He needs to be sent to hospital

B - Nae. I am coming Now!

I hung up the call and quickly grab my coat

"Hey.. what's wrong?" Jun asks

"I.... I gotta go..."

"Go where? Who called? I will come with you"

"N...no.... Just.... I will be back quick"

Break his arm?
Just how bad did he get into a fight?
Please don't be in very bad condition...
How bad did he drink?!
Aish.... Why is he being like a kid for real!? Why doesn't he take care of himself?

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