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I rush out of the restroom and I see Moon Beom standing outside

"Satisfied?" I ask him

"Now, let's go and drink just two of us. Shall we?"

I want to be alone now but....
It is better to spend time with someone else. Isn't it?



After that, he took me to hotel suite just at the hotel we were having dinner at.
When did he even book the room?

"Feel free to sunbae. This is my private suite at this hotel" he says

Ah.. I see.
He's as spoiled as Dongwu huh.

"Yeah" I say and sit on the couch



"Hehe.. thanks for following with Me"

"More like dragging me around?"

"Well, if not, I won't be able to make you follow me by your own Will isn't it?"

"That's true"

"So.... What happened in the restroom?"

"You are so nosy" I say and sip on my rum

"Not usually. I'm just curious about you" Moon Beom says

"It's..... complicated"

"What's sunbae?" He says and comes sit beside me

"Many things... him.... I and.... Us .... What we were in the past.... What we are in the present..."

"You.. and him..... are in the past sunbae. So in present, live free from the past. Live free from him"

"Live free... from the past... from him... huh? Tell me Moon Beom... how can I?"

"Beom is fine. And ...." He says and climbs onto my laps and sit on facing me "you should start involving with me"

"And if I refuse?"

"Sunbae... you know... you are exactly my type.... Like.... 100%.... Just my type...." He says and buries his face in my neck and .... Breathing heavily

He starts grinding onto me with his dick .... And he's hard


"Are you openly gay?"

"Proudly.... So tell me sunbae... what was he like?"

"Why do you wanna know?"



"About what kind of type ... sunbae is into"

"I don't have like that"

"Then... what was he like?"

"He..... he...... was everything"

"Wow.... That's... very... irritating to hear... I'm jealous sunbae...."

"Why would you be?"

"But strangely.."

"What are you doing?"

"Strangely I'm excited...Because I can't kiss or do with you... see me jerk off..." He says and bites his shirt as he starts unzipping his pants on top of my laps

How can he do that when he's not even drunk?
He's aware that I'm not really a gay?

"Nghh..." he moans a little as he starts jerking off

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