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C - yes dad?

Dad - are you doing things that your mom ask you to?

C - didn't you ask uncle already? Why are you asking me again?

Dad - son, you are to follow to Italy as soon as you graduate. That's why we sent you early for military.

C - yeah I know

Dad - your mom was sad that day. She wants to get close with you

C - dad... your way of pursuing happiness ain't got nothing to do with me. If she and you are happy, isn't that fine? Why does it have to be with me?

Dad - we are family

C - if you use that word with my mom, she wouldn't left you..

Dad - Park chanyeol!!

*Ding Dong*

C - I got a guest. Talk to you later dad.

Dad - stop calling girls over to your house

C - even if you don't tell me to, I'm doing because of someone already

I say and hang up the call.
I'm doing because of someone already huh?

You have became very funny lately, Park chanyeol

*Ding Dong*

Who the fuck is that... need to send back if it is girls.
Otherwise, if Baekhyun comes over, he will misunderstand again.

*Ding Dong*

Fuck... "Coming dumbass"

I go and open the door.... And to my surprised......

"Did you happen to forget your birthday?" I ask

"I wasn't confident enough"

"Why? That the passcode might not be your birthday? Or that I might have girls over?"

"Both" he says

He seems like he just arrived back ... since he's with his luggage

"And. What is your decision of coming here? You know what it means when you came to my house... right? I Wang to hear it.... What's your choice?"

"Why aren't you inviting me first in?"

"Well... I need to hear your confirmation.... Your decision"

"I..... I ... I like you... sunbae"

As always, I will always be a weakness for him..
I won, fucking Kris.

I pull his luggage and him into my house at the same time...

And I hug him "like me... always..."I say

"Sunbae..... how about you?"

I break the hug and carry him


"I can't wait..anymore.... To make love with you" I say and carry him to my bed

He buries his face in my neck and... even his breaths are making me turn on.
Just... may be I'm being too cautious of him...

I drop him onto my bed and starts kissing him
Fuck.... I have never been turned on because of a kiss before
I must be suffering from lack of sex these days

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